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Kit's Pov
           I just wake up from my deep slumber. I take a cold shower and prepare myself for the auction. I need to get a higher price, didn't I?
I am almost done, but something it's wrong Ming usually was knocking at my door every morning to invite me to eat breakfast with him. I guess he changed his mind in chasing me already. How long it last? One year? I thought he loves me, but it turns out that he doesn't. Anyway don't be upset Kit it's for the better that way.
I was going to the parking lot when I saw him. Mingkwan standing handsomely beside his car waiting for someone, for a second I thought it was me, but I was wrong again. A girl came from behind and kissed his cheek, he smiled at her and open the door for her to get in the car and after that, both of them were gone. Why I feel disappointed? Why my heart it's aching so bad? Without my consent tears start dropping and then I realized all of it I LOVE HIM. I loved him all the time just I was too afraid to admit it and know he moved on. Maybe I would have been faster in understanding my emotions, I will be happy now. But as long as he's happy I need to be too for him, for me and for our LOVE.
I was sad, but I faked a smile to let anyone know I'm okay. I arrived at the hall where the auction will be held and saw them, Ming and that girl were at a table laughing and enjoying each other and what hurt the most is that I wasn't the one to make him happy, but it's OKAY because I will do anything to see him happy like that.
I was called in the backstage because I will be the first to be auctioned. Everybody helped me to get ready and now I'm waiting to be called on the stage.
MC: And now I would like to introduce our first product. His name is Kit Intochar a sophomore in Medical Faculty.
I go proudly on the stage and stay in the middle. In the front of the stage start to gather those who will bid for me. They were just boys, but no Ming among them.
MC: OK, let's start! Is anyone giving 1000 baht?
Korn: 2000 baht!
I almost forgot about Korn he said he will bid for me. He is a nice guy, but I don't like him the way I like Ming too bad I realize it too late.
Tul: 2500 baht!
Knock: 3000!
Shutee: 3500!
And all of them were just competing with each other who gave the most until I heard Korn.
Korn: 10.000!
MC: 10.000 baht! Does someone give more?
Nothing was heard all the boys were silent I think they don't have that much to spend.
MC: 10.000 once, 10.000 twice, 10.000 thrice......
Unknown: 20.000 baht!
Someone shout from the crowd, I was speechless he was no one else than...... Ming, my Ming. What was he doing? He has a girlfriend right there. Why is he bidding for me? He just stood there with a huge smile looking at me.
MC: 20.000! Does someone give more?
Korn: 25.000!
That is not gonna be good. Now Ming and Korn were fighting with prices one higher than another and they were not stopping at all, they were already at 50.000 baht. I couldn't take it anymore so I shout at them STOP!
They both looked at me in confusion, I just turned to the MC and told her: Just stop at the last price that was said. They are not gonna stop ever. She smiled knowingly at me and announce the last price.
MC: Sold to Mingkwan for 65.000 baht.
So Ming bought me that's gonna be a long weekend for me at least.
All the people that were bought were in the backstage and after the last one was sold the buyers will come backstage to claim their prizes and by prizes, I mean us. I need to do something to escape, I can't do this. I don't know why he bought me, probably from pity. Anyway one thing I know for sure I can't go to a romantic weekend to Paris with him. What will girlfriend think about this? That I'm a man whore who steals her boyfriend for money.
Fuck, I'm screwed. Ming, it's coming this way, I don't realize that the auction has ended already. He stood in front of me with a bright smile and start to lean his face towards mine, he kisses my cheek.
Ming: How are you, my love?
Kit: Oh, so now I'm your love! What about when you were in front of my dorm waiting for a girl right in front of me? Wasn't I your love then?
Okay, so wtf I'm saying here? Of course, that's how I feel, but I don't want him to know that. I'm so fucked up right now because he's smirking.
Ming: You are jealous! I knew this was gonna work.
Kit: What do you mean? Were you planning this?
Ming: Of course KitKat. This was just a way to show you that you really love me, but you are just very stubborn.
Kit: I hate you, Ming.
Ming: I love you too baby. We should go prepare for the trip, the weekend it's coming quickly.
Kit: What are the chances for you to leave me alone for good?
Ming: Hmm, now that I know certainly that you love me, close to zero.
Kit: I thought so. Let's go stupid Ming.

Hey guys!
Please tell me what you think about the story. I want to know if I'm in the good direction or I should reconsider it. Please show me your love vote and comment.

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