25-He's Here

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Artemis's POV (Who else missed this?)

I was in the woods for some weird reason.

It was dark with only the full moon lighting the sky.

I looked down at my attire and saw that I was dressed as Robin Hood.

I had my bow and my quiver and all of my gadgets from the past.

I also noticed that there was a small mirror attached to my belt.

I don't know why, but I took it and looked at my reflection.

I let out a gasp and covered my mouth with my hand.

I looked exactly the same way I did as the day I thought I killed Logan. Completely the same.

I couldn't believe it. How was this possible?

'Elise?' I called out to her in my head.

I got no reply.

'Blake?' I mind linked him.


'Come on, Blake this isn't funny.' I called out to him again.

I still got no reply.

"Blake?" I called out, out loud. "If you don't show up, you're sleeping outside!"

"Artemis." A voice called out.

It didn't belong to Blake. It was disordered, echoing and faint.

"Who's there!?" I yelled.

"You're losing your touch." The voice laughed but this time it was a little bit clearer.

I grabbed and arrow and pulled back the string on my bow.

Even my movements were just as fast as they were when I was this young.

"Last warning before I kill you!" I shouted.

The voice laughed. "Wow, you have really lost your touch, how are you going to kill me if you can't see me?"

Voice became much clearer but still echoing and disordered.

"Come out Logan!" I commanded. "You know this will only end one way!"

"Oh really, how?" He taunted.

"With you dead!"

"No, Artemis. Not this time. This time, I will finally get rid of your mate and make you mine."

I looked around. He was still nowhere in sight. And it seemed like the Moon light was fading.

"Maybe while I'm at it, I'll kill your son and his mate too. What's her name?" He asked. "Avery. Oh yeah, how could I forget."

"You stay away from her!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "You have taken enough from her! You will not take her life or her mate!"

"We'll see. Watch her closely Artemis. We'll be together soon."

His voice faded as he began replying the death of Midnight and my Grandparents.

"No! No! No! No! Get out! Get out of my head!" I yelled and closed my eyes as tears ran down my face.

I felt someone began to shake me.

I slowly opened my eyes and was Blake shaking my vigorously.

I looked around. I was back in my bedroom with Blake. In my normal spot.

"Artemis? Artemis are you ok?" He asked worriedly.

"Blake, my nightmares are getting worse." I told him.

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