Chapter One

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Footsteps echoed against the walls of the tall buildings of the large city. Feet slammed against the hard concrete of the sidewalk that was nearly devoid of life. A rare car passing by on the seemingly empty road, the traffic lights quicker than usual with the lack of traffic. Street lights glowed dimly as the sun was beginning to set. The windows high up on the skyscrapers glistened orange, reflecting the color that was beginning to settle on the fading blue sky.



It was quarter to seven, most people were at home with their families after a long days work and eating with their loved ones near.



A single figure paced the cold sidewalk, jogging as she breathed in the chilly evening air. Her hair was long and silky smooth and an exotic shade of cherry blossom pink, it was pulled into high pony-tail that was fastened with a black elastic. She wore an undone blue quarter zip jacket that was tight on her body, showing off the girl's hourglass figure. Underneath was a lime-green tank top that was peeked underneath her jacket above her bust. Her chest had a very prominent bulge, and her backside was not a half-bad view itself. She wore skin-tight black Capri pants that ended she below the knee, displaying her toned calves. She had ivory skin that glistened with sweat, her plump pink lips were pulled apart as she controlled her breathing. Her nose was a little adorable button-like thing that made the twenty-year-old girl look much younger than she already was. Her eyes were a captivating green that contrasted beautifully with her hair and complexion.



This girl was Sakura Haruno, a student at Konoha University as well as a committed member of their track team. She was majoring in medicine and aspired to be a doctor like her own personal hero. Running was more of hobby that turned to be a big part of her lifestyle. She had to stay in perfect health and in the best physical shape all year round. She was an amazing sprinter but she specialized in long-distance, she earned medals for placing in the 3000-meter run. As said before, running was always more of a hobby until her sophomore year in high school. She used to run simply for the fun of it, for the rush it gave her and how it seemed to calm her nerves.



She had been running since five o'clock, she had been jogging across the city non-stop and it was currently sometime closer to eight. She didn't really have any way to tell the time. She was now nearing the final kilometer back to her apartment where on her roommates would be waiting for her. Ino Yamanaka, a platinum blonde girl with light blue eyes. She is majoring in fashion, no surprise there. The girl can be a bit (*cough* a lot *cough*) demanding but she is fun to be around. She and Sakura had been friends since as long as she could remember, she smiled every time she thought back to everything they had done together.



All Sakura wanted to do now was collapse onto her bed, she was tired from all her running and felt like she could sleep for a week straight. Her legs felt slightly numb and her lungs ached slightly, but she hardly noticed. She had done this so many times it hardly bothered her anymore. God, when did this book-worm ever become a dedicated athlete? She felt like laughing at the thought. She still studied as hard as she did in high school only now she had to follow a dietary plan and get four hours of daily exercise.



'Only a kilometer left to go, I can do this!' She thought in her mind.

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