Chapter 3- Clean Dream

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Satisfied with the now clean shirt, Levi washed his face and brushed his teeth, making sure the bathroom was extra clean before leaving it. Levi entered his bed and pulled the clean sheets over his shoulders. His was ready for a well-deserved sleep. Turning off his light, he drifted away.

"Levi? Is that you?" Spoke a deep voice.
"Huh?" Levi opened his eyes to see a man, the same man he met at Walmart.

"Tell me, having you always been this clean?"

Levi looked at his soft MCR pj top and his well-washed heart boxers.

"Of course I am always this clean? I would be a fool to never make sure my sleeping garments are washed."

"Excellent, excellent, I believe it is time"

"Time for what? Oi, are you gonna tell me what going on, I have sleep to catch up on." Levi was now fairly annoyed, having not been even able to see who was speaking to him. "Wait a minute... you sound familiar."

"It seems you have noticed. Now I have some important news to tell you, so listen very carefully. All your attention should be on me."

"If it is about cleanliness, my focus is all on you." Levi responded.

"After taking note of all of your accomplishments towards a clean society, you are now gifted to be the Ruler™ of every cleaning product in the entire world." The voice got smaller, as though whomever was speaking was walking away.

"Wait... this can't be... such an honor... I couldn't possibly take it?!?" Levi needed answers, no, he demanded them.

"Oi brat! Tell me what's going on! I will find you! You here me!?"

No one responded.



Levi awoke in cold sweat. The kind of sweat that makes sheets dirty. Wait no all sweats make sheets dirty.

"What the hell just happened?"

Levi stared, past his MCR tour shirt, into his hands.

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