Chapter 1

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Chapter One

*Pisces POV*

'First day of high school! I'm so excited!' Pisces was in the middle of deciding what to wear when she got a text from Cancer.


Canc ✌️♋: Hey Pi, so me, Sagi, and Virgo are all gonna wear our "......are real" shirts so we all match!

Canc ✌️♋: Do u want 2 do it wit us?

Pi 🥧🌊♓: Ya sure!

Pi 🥧🌊♓: See u at school!

Canc ✌️♋: Byeeeeeee!

'Oh, this is gonna be so cute!' Pisces looked around in her closet until she found the shirt. It read; "Mermaids are real." Since it was a little cropped she decided to wear high waisted leggings in hopes of not being dress coded. Quickly pulling on some socks, she rushed downstairs. Her suitcase and backpack were already downstairs. Quickly grabbing some bread, she put it in the toaster and turned on the news. She slipped on her Adidas Superstars, her favorite pair of shoes because they were all holo and mermaid scale looking. On the news, they were talking about shootings, robberies, and missing people. Then they switched to talking about a couple who bought a homeless man a home after he helped them find their daughter.

'Aw, how sweet!'

Grabbing her toast, she left a note for her sleeping mom who had cried all of last night about her "little baby" going out on her own and ran out to catch the bus. Cancer was already on the bus because her stop was the first one.

"Hey Pi!" she said enthusiastically.

"Hi, Canc!"

"Are you ready for high school? Especially the being on your own part?" she asked inquisitively.

"I guess so, I mean I would like to believe so,"  Pisces said laughing.

Sagittarius and Virgo came on and sat next to them in the back.

"I love how we're all wearing our matching shirts!" Canc exclaimed.

Canc's shirt said fairies are real, Sagi's said unicorns are real and Virgo's said stop being stupid, those are not real. Out of all of them, Pisces is the dreamer always thinking with her heart and not her mind. Cancer is the overtly emotional one not afraid to display her emotions, Sagittarius is the party animal and Virgo is the logical one thinking with her head more than her heart, the exact opposite of Pisces. Even though they all had very different personalities they were still the best of friends. Virgo was in the middle of explaining the theories about quantum physics when they arrived.

"HEY LOOK GUYS, WE'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!" Sagi practically screamed out.

They all walked out onto the blacktop. It was sparsely populated because there were only supposed to be 12 of them. They also all had the same schedules. Standing around in groups, they all seemed to be in the middle of their own conversations. That's when the bell rang and on the speaker system, they were told to report to the gym.

"Let's go!" Sagi said pulling them all into the school. 

All 12 of them lined up in front of the stage as a middle-aged man adjusted the mic.

"Hello students, my name is Mr. Orion and I will be your principal for the next 4 years. I can tell this is different to you and I understand that. This is why for this week you'll be allowed to walk around and get used to your classes. School will officially start next week . " he said smiling a little too bright.

All of them cheered and started whistling throwing their arms up in the year.

"You know what this means, right?" Sagi whispered.

"What?" Canc asked. Oh, she's too innocent.

"A PARTY! DUH!" Sagi whisper-screamed.

"But aren't we supposed to be getting used to our classes?" Canc asked completely confused.

"Let's just drop this topic, I think we're about to go to our rooms!" Virgo said, coming to the rescue yet again.

All 12 of them filed out of the gym and up to the dorms. They were assigned in a weird alphabetical and element order. Sort of like this:

















They were assigned to rooms this way. So they have their own sections and doors connecting their rooms for easy access.

'This could turn out very.....interesting....' Pi tought.

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