Chapter 2

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"Hey Pi, I'm gonna go get some food. Be safe K?" Canc said with a concerned look.

"Oh come on Canc, I'll be fine!" Pisces said annoyed. 'Why does she always think I'll get into trouble?'

"Okay if you say so," Canc said and walked off. Pisces walked into her room. She was taken aback. It looked like a mini condo! She squealed.

'OH! I hope I didn't scare anyone with that squeal.'

She went around and explored the place a bit more. It was completely furnished and very beautiful. She decided to go check out the connecting door. There was a lock for obvious reasons. 

'This must be Canc's room!' she thought as she opened it. It slipped open pretty easily. The room was unusually dark to be Cancer's room. The curtains were black and just a tiny bit of light shone through. She was too busy admiring the room for it's dark and mysterious manner that she didn't notice someone coming in.

"Do I know you?" said a gruff voice. Definitely not Cancer!

"Huh...wait who are you?" she asked confused.

The boy smirked. "Coming into my room and then asking who I am? Fair enough. I'm Scorpio and who might you be?"

"O-oh well um...I'm Pisces. I guess we're neighbors?" she said looking at the ground.

"Wow, I totally didn't know that. You have bestowed amazing knowledge upon me. For that, I thank you Ms.Pisces." Scorpio said sarcastically, chuckling to himself.

He's very tall with fair skin and dark brown hair. He has deep blue that looks exactly like the ocean. He had a very mysterious vibe to him, something she doesn't see in a lot of people these days. This intrigued her.

*Scorpio POV*

He walked into his room. 'Expected.' he thought, 'Typical rich kid stuff....ugh this makes me sick!'

He decided to walk further into his room when he heard the slow creaking of a door opening.

'What was that?'

He walked out and saw a girl standing at the connecting door, the one right outside his bedroom.

  "Do I know you?" he asked admiring the girl for her beauty. She was just like a painting, but not just any painting, a masterpiece. She was average in height with blue hair that gradually got lighter at ends. Her eyes were a mix of teal, aquamarine, and sky blue. Her full lips were formed in a pout. He wanted to kiss her right then and there.

  "Huh...wait who are you?"  the girl asked. 

Did she actually just ask him who he was after coming into his room? 'She's definitely something.'

He smirked. "Coming into my room and then asking who I am? Fair enough. I'm Scorpio and who might you be?"

He hoped she couldn't tell how head over heels in love with her he was. 'Stop it Scorpio! You don't even know her that well!'

  "O-oh well um...I'm Pisces. I guess we're neighbors?" she said looking at the ground. 

He decided that to take the sarcastic approach in hopes of hiding his feelings.  "Wow, I totally didn't know that. You have bestowed amazing knowledge upon me. For that, I thank you Ms.Pisces." he said chuckling.

" you around Scorpio," she said awkwardly before turning around and closing the door behind her.

'Pisces, what a beautiful name. I wonder what element she is? Oh my god Scorpio you're an idiot. If she's in the same section as you, she's obviously a water sign!' he sighed to himself. Sometimes he can be so stupid.


I was thinking about changing the story to first person, so it's easier to understand. What do you think?


P.S I'm a Pisces, what are you?

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