My Sunshine Will Never Leave Me

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I think I swallowed broken glass
When I was a little girl.
Something sliced the inside of me
Not long after I came into this world.

I think I swallowed a matchstick
Some sulfur and some gasoline.
Maybe that's why I've got this fire
That rages quietly inside of me.

I think I swallowed sadness
In the form of the air I breathed.
The walls grew dark, and I lost my bliss
Childhood ignorance fading into misery.

I think I tried to swallow poison
To make my world slow down.
But all I got was slamming doors and
The distance that comes from shutting everyone out.

And so I swallowed sunshine
To chase out all the grey.
I bid the thunderstorms goodbye
And stretched my tight smile all the way.

Sometimes I think it is gone
Sometimes I think it has left me.
But I've come to see, no matter what I've done
My sunshine will never leave me.

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