chapter 4

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"Oh yea, I'm a mess" you chuckled.

You washed her face before Jihyo asked you a question.

"Yeon Jin?"
"Yes?" you answered.
"How did you and Jungkook like, start to hate each other?"

"Long story, short. It all started on the first day of school,"

[2 years ago]

You stepped into my new school.

You walk down the hallways trying to find the school office as you walk closer into the school, girls started screaming.

You hesitated as the screams got louder but there was one name that every one of the girls screamed.


You turned around trying to avoid that situation but as you turn around there was a person standing right in front of you. Well, since he was so tall you faced his chest instead and looked up. You have a feeling that the both of you met before.

"Excuse me?"

You thought his voice was familiar as well.

"Excuse me?!"

That loud scream echoed through the hallway brought you back to reality.

"Are your ears still working? At this point I think you're deaf"
"I'm sorry" you bowed.
"Move. You're blocking my way. I have no time for people, I'm sorry hobos like you " He crossed his arms.

Well that's offensive.

"Look, who the hell are you to call me a hobo? Don't you that's a little rude? Gahd, what's the use of that handsome face? Your personality is just as stinky as a dumpster. I think I deserve an apology" you rolled your eyes.
"As I said, I have no time for this kinda shit now move"
"I'm not leaving until I get my apology" you raised your brow.
"Tch" he gave a slight of an disbelief smile before walking right past you.

"Nu-uh" you grabbed his hair

"Get your hands away from my fcking hair!" he raised his voice as the other girls started to whisper to each other but some already gasping and willing to take his place.
"Why would I?" you tightened your grip.

Just like that the both of you got into detention on your first day.

[End of flashback]

"Well, that's it, I guess"

"Wow, he's so rude like literally, so much fro that innocent look. At one glare he looks like a fetus but 'his personality is as stinky as a dumpster'" the both of you laughed. But Jihyo on the other hand was laughing for a different reason.


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