Chapter Two

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"Veni Vidi Vici"
I came, I saw, I conquered."

"Now if x2=4 then what does x equal? Anybody? Ah Miss Redburn, seeing as you are so distracted, you must have finished the answer in order to have free time, yes? So, what does x equal?"

I snap out of my daydream to see a smug Mr Reynolds pushing me into the spotlight.

"Well you see sir if x equals 2 then 2×2=4." I stated with a relish, watching with satisfaction as the smirk on his face was replaced with that of surprise. He muttered something under his breath and turned to pick on another student.

As seconds dragged onto minutes, with our maths teachers constant lectures, I could feel the back of my throat going dry. Reaching for my water bottle, I quickly chugged some of the cooling liquid down. As I screwed the lid back on the bottle, I felt the water calling me, urging me to plunge into its depths.

Come closer my dear... come join me my darling....

The voice was instantly in my ear as if someone was using the water to talk to me. Someone powerful.

My fingers lingered closer, until I noticed the weirdest thing.

A reflection of a blue cresent moon floating in the contrasting black water. It snapped me out of my trance. The moon and water seemed to fight the moon glowing brighter with the water lapping wildly at the transparent plastic of my bottle. Frightened, I reached out to put it in my bag and get over the magical sight I saw. But as my fingers touched it, it seemed to give the moon power and it glowed a bright blue making the water shake until there was nothing but a single drop left in the bottle.

Huh. Weird. I thought.

After five minutes of my pathetic attempt to refocus my energy, the bell rang. Grabbing my backpack I sprinted out the door, not wanting to stay for the lecture that was to come.

As I was walking out of school, someone ran into me, knocking me to the floor.

"Oh my dear! I am so sorry."

Standing in front of me was a woman whose eyes were completely black. No sclera (whites). My heartbeat raced faster and I briskly walked out the school's entrance. What do these people want with me? My mind was reeling as I tried to comprehend what was happening to me.

Does it have anything to do with my father? That incident... but, no one knows except my family and that man... I shook my head again and again as if I was trying to throw the memories out of my mind. I don't know how long I walked aimlessly, trying to get my head around the encounter.

Suddenly, my phone rang loudly, interrupting my mind's discussion. Looking at the screen, I saw Opal's contact. Quickly I answered knowing she would bite my head of if I kept her waiting. Or worse, let her go to voicemail.

"Hey bro!" I answered, plastering my face with the most fake, cheery smile I could muster.

"Where the hell are you!" She practically screamed in my ear.

I was so confused. What had she been doing all this time?

"I have been looking for you ever since you decided to walk out on me when school ended!"

Oh my god! I forgot! I was supposed to go over to her house after school. I looked at my watch. Six o' clock. It would be dangerous to walk home after the visit. And with those weird as people around...

"Hey Opal?" I gingerly say.

"I'm not feeling well. Is it okay if I stay at my place come over next week."

"Fine! See you tomorrow at school." She huffed but I know that she forgives me.

I breathe a sigh of relief and pocket my phone. Taking my time to walk up the lonely street, I noticed how the dark, empty windows of the library seemed to glisten with moonlight. The moon, the water...

I remembered the strange occurance during maths. Turning around, I faced the moon, observing it's sheer light and unearthly beauty. The way it's surface seemed to dip and fold upon each other almost as if it had one too many battle scars.


A voice called behind me. Sitting on the library fountain was a man. He had dark brown hair that could've passed for black, his face had a unnatural beauty to it and his eyes were covered by opaque sunglasses. He was wearing a traditional tuxedo which gave him a devil like atmosphere. The fountain water rippled as he dragged his hand through it, interrupting its calm state.

"Who are you?" Despite the fear that was curling in my stomach, my voice came out as sharp and cold as ice.

"You may already know me. You know, the man before school, the lady who dropped your books...."

"Wait. That was all you?!"

My mind was reeling and my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Why of course it was!" He stated gleefully. Then he took of his sunglasses.

And where his eyes should be, there were pitch black holes.

So, were your questions answered? New questions:

~Do you like Opal?
~What are your thoughts on the lady?

Until next time...


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