Chapter Four

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"He who asked a question will be a fool for five minutes, he who does not ask a question is a fool forever."

I woke up in my bedroom swathed by my sheets. What is going on? Picking myself up I stumbled over to the stairs. On the ground floor I could hear my mother having a heated discussion with someone else.

"You leave to protect and now you want to drag her back into that cra-"

She cuts of realising that through her entire rant, I had quietly made my way to the kitchen. Sitting in front of her was the same man from the library. His eyes shone through the yellow of the light bulb.

"Sif you're okay!" She cries and runs to hug me.

Absent mindedly I patted her back, more focused on our guest.

"Father?" I whisper.

"My princess." He stands up and envelopes me in a hug. How does he smell exactly the same? Like vanilla and marshmallows. The same smell the used to grace my nose as I fell asleep.

"Sif your father has something to tell you. I will be waiting in the living room." She says casting a worrying glance at me.

After she leaves, me and my father sit there awkwardly.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask, my quiet voice breaking the silence.

"Well, you may want to sit down because this is going to take a while."

Pulling up the chair next to him, I sit down just as he takes a big breathe to start the story.

"Millions of years ago, when the earth was still young, there were two main ruling powers. The moon and the ocean. The moon goddess, Luna was radiant and cared for the earth monitoring the sky. The water god, Diabolos was proud and cared over the land. The two of them were best of friends and they always had the others back. One day, it is said that evil itself whispered in the ear of Diabolos, telling him that he was the best and he didn't need Luna to rule to earth. He filled the gods head with fantasies of an earth completely ruled by water, no Luna no competition. Although he thought like this, he never told anything to Luna. He was always careful not to provoke her or cause her become suspicious. On the night of new moon, the time that has no moon, the time where the tide was at his highest, he attacked. He invaded Luna's kingdom and killed her people. At last at the break of day, the moon was no more."

My eyes widened in fear. But then how it is still shining? Stupid head, it's a story! As usual the inner voice in my head chided me telling me not to believe my father's lies.

"But as time passed, Diabolos, although content with his new found power, had no idea that the universe would let evil reign by itself. Like yin and yang, there must be balance. Now, although she is weakened by the loss of her soldiers, she bestows her power on a chosen few to protect her kingdom. People who have important powers, such as being able to pull and push the rides to their will, lunar manipulation, being able to create weapons out of moonlight glass by will and will be able to channel the goddesses power at their time of need." Diabolos, who stumbled upon this piece of information, ordered all defendants to be found and killed immediately. By doing this for centuries, they are all gone except for....." He trails of, looking at me with pity in his eyes.

"Yeah? Except for who?" I ask, desperate to know the answer.

"Me and..."

Then I knew his next words without him even telling me. A wave of ice cold fear hit me as he confirmed my thoughts.

"And you."

She has powers! Ooh!

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