Chapter 2: Beginning of new day

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Third person POV:

Y/N was in his quarters checking up on his weapons. He threw a knife at a target, bullseye.

Illya walked in.

Illya: Y/N, we got a mission.

Y/N: What is it?

Illya: Adam has tasked us with stealing some atlas paladin prototypes.

Y/N: Heh, that's it?

Illya: They are being guarded by winter Schnee.

Y/N: Hmph, sounds like fun. I get to put my training to the test.

He remove the knife from the target and pack it all up for the mission and leaves for the mission.

As he left, illya looks at the target he was using and sees it is a picture of his ex Ruby rose.

Illya: Man, he really hates her.

*Later with the Schnee*

Winter: We all ready to go colonel?

Colonel: Yes lieutenant Schnee.

Winter: Then let's head to ironwood to get these prototypes ready.

They drove the prototypes through the checkpoint. Unfortunately, there was no one there. Winter gets out to see what is happening.

Winter: What is going on? Where is everybody?

*Bang bang bang*

Winter turns around to see her soldiers dead. She gets her rapier

Winter: Show yourself at once!

A hooded man jumps down.

Winter: Identify yourself at once! Who are you?

Y/N: I'm red hood! And this is where you die!

He wishes at her and tosses the shock grenades. She uses her glyphs to send them flying, but is caught by a whip and is electrified.


Illia: Not so tough now are you Schnee?

Y/N: Looks like we got more company.

Y/N points upward. Illia looks up to see a qrow.

Illia: It's just a qrow.

That crow swooped down and attacked them and cut winter loose.

Qrow: Heh, looks like you need some help ice queen.

Winter: Since when did you get here?

Red hood: Well well well, we meet again qrow.

Qrow: Do I know you?

Y/N: yes and no.

Y/N shoots more shock grenades that qrow and winter are both quick to dodge.

Qrow shoots at red hood and he shoots and cancels out with his own bullets. He uses his wings to fly up and tackle qrow while illia camouflages herself so winter can't see her and wraps her around again.

Winter attempts to summon a knight but Is shot by red hood and her aura is destroyed. Qrow slashes hood, who is quick to grab his knifes and stick them in qrow's kneecaps, falling far down and his aura to be destroyed as well.

Qrow: Heh. Guess this it for us Winter. Too bad I dropped my flask.

Winter: Qrow, this hardly the time for drinking.

Qrow: There ain't no better than time than now.

Red hood: Any last words humans?

Qrow: Yeah, who are you really and why are you doing this?

Red hood: You should blame your niece for that, for breaking my heart.

Qrow: Ruby breaking your heart? W...wait Y/n?!

He removes his mask to show himself.

Y/n: This is goodbye qrow!

He swings his sword at him and..................


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