Rebel (Drabble-ish)

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"I hate my dad," said Adrien.

Your boyfriend's statement caught your attention, the seemingly endless tapping of your fingers on the keyboard ceasing. You're halfway through on updating your Chatblog, the counterpart of Alya's Ladyblog, and the sentence he uttered caught you slightly off guard.

"...What?" you asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I hate my dad," he reiterates, his emerald eyes redirecting their attention to you from staring at the floor. His countenance sported determination as he added, "I want to rebel."

You let out a "pfft" before responding with a teasing tone, "And how are you gonna do that, my beloved kitty~?"

His shoulders slumped forward. "I have no idea."

"Well, I do."

Adrien's kwami, Plagg, ate the last bit of Camembert cheese that you had gladly served to him. You already knew that Chat Noir and Adrien are just the same person, and you've definitely met his kwami when you saw the hero de-transform. How did you see it? Uhh, well... let's just say you entered the wrong restroom to hide in while an akumatized victim was terrorizing the school during lunch break, and was too frightened to noticed that you barged into the men's restroom. Adrien entered the restroom to transform into Chat Noir, the hero you're obsessing with, and failed to notice you were there until you gasped, and the rest was history.

"How?" you and Adrien asked at the same time, the former inquiring with a bored tone while the latter exclaimed it with excitement.

"Get a piercing," Plagg replied simply.

"What kind of piercing, though?" the model asked his kwami.

"Tongue piercing."

Adrien's eyes sparkled. God, he's so handsome, you thought to yourself.

"All right! I'm going to rebel by getting a tongue piercing!"

『... (۳'▽´)۳ ...』

After defeating an akumatized victim three days after he declared he'll get a piercing:

"Hello, Ladybug." Chat Noir greeted his heroine partner, before sticking his tongue out to show off his new tongue piercing.

Ladybug blinked a few times and pointed at it. "Oh, you got a piercing?"

"Yup," Chat nodded, popping the "p" at the end.

"Oh, cool. Did it hurt? I bet you cried," the heroine teased.

"Psh, no, not at all! It was just, like, a mosquito bite."

『Two days earlier:』

"Are you all right?" you chuckled as you looked at Adrien, who's sniffing like a child with his tongue out, the piercing embedded in it.

"Ow, it hurts..." he whined, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Plagg just smirked at Adrien's expense and just went to have a catnap on your bed.

"I told you it'll hurt." you sighed.

"But, you have a tongue piercing, too! When I asked you if it hurt when it was being placed, you said 'no'!"

"We are different, though. I could handle it. Don't worry, the pain will subside soon," you cooed, cuddling with your beloved secret superhero boyfriend.

"...Remind me not to listen to Plagg again."

"Hey, at least we have matching tongue piercings now." you laughed, giving Adrien a kiss in the corner of his mouth. You can't kiss him with his aching tongue out, after all.

•───• 「♡」 •───•

This was inspired by a Miraculous Ladybug short fancomic I saw on YouTube. I forgot who drew it, but I remember it being from DeviantArt. If you are the artist or you knew the source of the fancomic, please tell me the source so I could properly credit them for the idea.

For now I'll just say "credit to the fancomic artist for the idea". I know Adrien is sort of OOC in here, but I'm quite new to the fandom so... forgive me? Anyways, thanks for reading!

Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir [One Shot Compilation]Where stories live. Discover now