Only Mine (Adrien x Yandere!Reader)

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[ Writer Note:

The plot and inspiration originally belongs to the Quotev writer  SomeGirlWhoCantWrite (that's their username please don't kill me-). I had permission to use it in this fanfic, so no backlash, please. ^^

This is an AU where Ladybug, Chat Noir, Hawk Moth, and the Miraculouses never existed. I may have also copied the way the original fanfic was written, simply because I found the style more convenient.

Here's a link to the original fic (Len Kagamine x Tei Sukone, my fave ship) : https :// ]


You thought it would never be reality, but here you are now; in Adrien's arms, living in the same house with him, sharing the same bed, doing everything that loving couples do. You even bought a dog and a pet hamster, just like what he wanted. He is so happy and content, and so are you.

Finally, after all those years of waiting and pining, he is yours.

You both met at your tenth birthday celebration party. He was with both of his parents, your father and Gabriel Agreste talking about investments, partnerships, and business topics while the two ladies walked off to chat about who-knows-what. You didn't care. You barely listened to their words. Your eyes were focused only on him. When he asked you to dance, you happily said yes. While both your parents discussed adult stuff, you both danced the night away, enjoying each other's company.

You fell in love at first sight.

You both hang out together whenever your parents are meeting up, or when your parents or Adrien's father had to go on a business trip for a week. Sometimes, he chats with you online, initiates a voice or video call, or asks you to come over at his place when he feels lonely. Sometimes he visits you himself when his father allows him to. You got to know him better as a person the longer you were around him, and that made you fell even harder.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same, you knew that even if he doesn't tell you. But it's okay, you thought. As long as you can stay by his side, even just as a friend, it's enough.

As years went by, you both started to take different paths. You developed a passion for (any career that isn't modeling) and Adrien pursued modeling to please his father. Your differing interests meant less and less time to spend with each other. You tolerated it at first, but then Chloe Bourgeois, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Lila Rossi stepped in your way.

The three aforementioned girls were studying in the same high school as him, Collège Françoise Dupont, which filled you with dread as they might be able to snatch him away from you, so you asked your parents that you be enrolled there instead of continuing your home schooling. Albeit confused, they let you do as you pleased, seeing no wrong with the idea.

Everytime they try to talk, touch, or flirt with Adrien, you jump into the scene and ruin all of their chances. You also find ways to embarass them and make it look like an accident. Chloe and Lila's threats did nothing to faze you, and Marinette's frown and downcast expression never made you feel any ounce of guilt. Adrien never believed them when they accuse you. He never suspected his childhood bestfriend to be able to do such harsh things.

They are all trying to take him away from you.

He is yours. He belongs with you.


In order to gain more advantage and increase the chances of Adrien falling for you, you readily cast aside your dream of becoming a (career choice) and pursue modeling in order to spend more time with him, as well as trying to be a fashion designer, wishing to see the blond wearing the clothes you made for him.

You were criticized greatly for the... blandness of your designs, and the stiffness of your poses, but honestly, you couldn't care less. You never truly cared about fashion, nor modeling so you were unaffected by the harsh criticisms. What infuriated you, however, was how suddenly, France is in love with your beloved.

No. Not in love.

They all lusted for him.

They'd never know him the way you do. They never loved him the way that you love him. Everybody just likes him for his looks. You always notice how some of their comments and questions made him feel uncomfortable, but naturally, he never said anything.

Sometimes after a particular creepy comment, or an encounter with a crazy fangirl, he would approach you to vent. You were always happy to listen. And when he seems to be on the verge of crying, you pull him towards you and embrace him, letting him know it's okay to let his tears fall. As he sobbed into your shoulder, you swore that you'd always protect him. The very next day, there were missing person reports on the news, but the blond didn't seem to notice.

The creepy and flirtatious comments went on for a while. Those horny teenage girls just didn't seem to get the clue that they're making him feel uneasy around them, and you hated seeing him in these kinds of situations. If he weren't so handsome, they'd leave him alone. They wouldn't even give a damn about him. They won't even spare him a glance. You knew what you had to do to protect him.

It hadn't been that difficult at all. You knew his schedule for the day. All you had to do is offer his bodyguard a drugged drink, wear a ski mask, and attack Adrien at the boy's locker room once he was alone. It really pained you to have to do this, and you'd never be able to unhear his screams and pleas for you to stop, but you knew it was going to be worth it. You were gone before the cops arrived.

The change was almost immediate. When his "fans" saw his new face, they moved on to other models and new fashion icons. Chloe and Lila never looked at him the same way anymore. You, Nino, Alya, and his family were the only people who came to visit him in the hospital. Marinette came over once, but she mysteriously disappeared a few days later after her visit.

The thought that you were the one responsible for all of this never crossed Adrien's mind. He trusts you now more than ever.

You're all he had left.

When you asked him to go steady, he was more than happy to say "yes".

People on the streets don't like looking at his face anymore, and a few rude ones would point at him and stare. You then would shoot them a piercing glare, and there was something in your eyes that makes them stop looking and face the other way.

You were never ashamed to express your love for Adrien. No matter how disfigured he was, you'd love him forever. Even though his mouth was slit and his face was littered with acid burns, you would happily kiss him. You always assure him that you'd never get tired of loving him.

For as long as you're both together, and you belong to him and he to you, you're happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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