∆The Harsh Mistress∆

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The plane was filled with many people.

Mothers, children, toddlers, business men, business women, aunts, uncles, fathers, cousins, singles, couples, blondes, brunettes, red heads, Ravens and even service dogs.

Levi say stuck between a drooling toddler, sucking on a soggy stuffed cow and a whale of a man also soggy.

Levi was ready to puke from the smell. He already had a headache from the crying and screaming and from the lift off.

His ears didn't pop correctly and he was stuck with a splitting headache. He was ready to switch seats with the toddler and break open the window for some fresh air.

Killing everyone in the plane was tempting as well.

Business people screamed at their phones or made a scene with the attendants and mother's, some heavily pregnant or just fucking fat, kept going up and down the aisle to the bathroom. That didn't annoy Levi at all. It was the constant- sorry, scuse me, pardon, oopsies, exsqueeze me, ouch, shit I pissed myself - that made Levi lose his temper even quicker.

Just say pardon once and push the rest of the luggage out of the way with your foot.

Levi was tired. So fucking tired.

His head hurt, his stomach churned and he was ready to curse everyone to hell.

The toddler next to him pulled the cow out of it's mouth, swinging it.


The toddler had smacked Levi in the face with the toy.

It immediately knew it was in trouble, bursting into tears,able to feel Levi's death aura without the make needing to look at the child.

Levi stood, shoving past the whale of a man and rushed to the bathroom. He locked himself in the small room and Immediately washed his face with his little to go soap in his pocket.

He was tempted to lock himself in the room until the flight was over. Maybe he can find a parachute and abandon ship.

Was visiting his soon to be married cousin really worth this? He didn't know her that well. Plus he would probably get in trouble for accidentally fucking the groom and mess up the whole wedding.

There was a rapid knock on the bathroom door causing Levi to snap from his thoughts.

"Scuse me," called the annoying lady mentioned earlier. "I really need to do a tinkle so if you could hurry up in there, that would be dandily appreciated."it

Levi turned off the faucet and dried his face before he opened the door. "say dandily again. I dare you." He growled before he walked back to his seat.

Someone else, apparently the mother or something of the toddler, Dow sat in his seat, hushing the baby.

She glanced up. "hi, sorry. Do you mind taking my seat? I think I'll have to stay here for a while." She gestured towards a seat that was in the aisle next to a tall, blonde male with pretty blue eyes.

Levi didn't mind one bit. "sure thing." He said softly to the woman before he headed towards the sexy gu- seat. Uh.. it was a nice seat.

The plane suddenly hit a rough spike of turbulence knocking Levi sideways. He fell against a seat and looked around as everyone panicked.

The plane was tilting dramatically, tipping forward as gravity took effect, pulling the vessel down. Red lights flashed on, oxygen masks fell from the ceiling. The coach was filled with loud screams and cries. The babies wailed, the mother's cried, the father's shouted.

The families clumped together in a goodbye and the business people hurriedly typed out texts on their phones. One brat decided to press record on his camera.

Levi heard one thing through the chaos.

Something that chilled him to the bone.

He heard soft, quiet singing as if it was coming from far off. Muffled immensely by the terrified people.

It could've been Levi's imagination. He could barely hear the voice but he knew it was there. There was no doubt.

As he glanced out the window, he saw nothing but shades of blue as the sky met the ocean.

The plane then did the same, connecting with the large body of water and exploding into the water.

Everything hurt.

It was cold. Levi couldn't breathe. He didn't dare to do so. He felt heavy like his body was filled with sand.

His eyes hurt, his head pounded, he was freezing.

His body was stiff. Was he frozen?

What happened?

He couldn't remember anything.

What was he last doing? Was he driving? Did he get into a car accident?

Was Levi dead? It sure felt like that.

But if he was dead, would he be able to feel this cold? This everlasting cold that filled his heavy body.

He was so tired. He wanted to close his eyes and rest. But his eyes were already closed and he was dead. He couldn't rest.

Was he dead though?

He concentrated on anything.

His fingers hurt, resting against something sharp and pointy. Still cold though. He could hear the ocean waves in the background, a constant roar that rumbled the ocean.

His head hurt. Swollen, maybe bleeding?

Everything hurt though. Levi wouldn't be surprised if he woke up in a hospital surrounded by his friends and family who were all so worried about him.

He also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't wake up.

I mean, he probably didn't deserve to wake up.

He snapped at a distressed pregnant lady and thought about flirting with a guy that was probably already married and he made a baby cry.

Levi was definitely going to hell.

He then heard something.

Well, it's been there,Levi was sure if it. It's probably been there since the crash and he's only now realizing.

Soft singing filled his mind, a gentle voice soft like flower petals and soothing like chilled spring water on a hot beach. He couldn't hear any lyrics. The words instantly losing their value once they left the singers lips. The song felt encouraging, not wanting anything from Levi only but for him to listen.

It invigorated Levi, pulling his pain to a cloudy hum as he focused on the voice, urging him to open his eyes. He wanted to. He wanted to stare and take in every detail of whoever or whatever was singing such a beautiful Melody.

He felt warm.

A hot touch graced his chest, slowly moving up towards his collarbone and neck. His heart pounded, drowning out the noise of the waves but it wasn't loud enough to tune out the song.

The warmth touched his cheek and the song came to an end, a single lyric struck Levi in a way that felt like a command which didn't fit with the song of a mother's smile. It caused Levi's eyes to snap open and he gasped for air.


Word count: 1150

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