Chapter 21

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Although he and Angie had already explored a lot of Paris, there were still shops he had not go into yet. He went around on the sidewalk and looked into the shop windows. He got stuck on a very nice diamond ring and he decided to go into the store.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" A woman asked him.

She stood and smiled a big smile at him. German looked at the ring again and he knew he had to buy it. "I'll take this." he said and gave her the diamond ring.

"If you're looking for engagement  rings, there's more rings to look at, if you ..."

German interrupted her. "No, no., I'm not going to propose to her, I just wanted to give a ring to her."

"Oh, I see."

German took out his wallet and gave her the money, and before he opened the door he heard the woman say something. He turned around.

"Will you ever propose to her?"

"I don't know, someday maybe."

"Good luck." The woman said and German closed the door.

He walked around in Paris and took some pictures, 20 minutes later he decided to go home. When he was home, Angie was still away, so he decided he was going to make a surprise for her.

He texted Angie and asked when she was coming home. She replied by about 20 minutes.

He smiled and began to clean up inside the apartment, and then he started making food for both, even if he's not that good at cooking.

When the food was ready, he put some candles and flowers on the table, then he put the food.

When Angie came into the apartment, she was shocked. "What ... what is this?"

"Dinner." German said,  took her hand and pulled her toward the table.

"This ... this is amazing. Did you do all this?" she pointed at the food.

"Yes, but I can say that I'm not the best at cooking, so I'm really sorry if it tastes bad." He smiled and pulled out her chair so she could sit down.

Angie laughed. "It looks good."


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