Chapter 33

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German woke up earlier than Angie. He kissed her neck and her eyes went up slowly. "Good morning." he said, smiling.

"Good morning." she smiled back, tired. "What's the time?"

German turned to the clock that stood on the bedside table. "Eight." he turned to her again. "I have to talk with Ramallo about stuff, but we see each other soon. Okay?"

Angie nodded and gave him a kiss. German gave her a kiss on her nose and he opened the bedroom door, and he turned around and smiled at her. She smiled back.

Since she doesn't have anything to do, she just layed down on the bed.

10 minutes later she got down to the kitchen to take something to eat. Violetta came down and Angie smiled to her. "Hey, sleept well?"

"Of course!" Violetta hugged her aunt. "Because you're here."

"Awww." Angie couldn't help but smile. "You have school soon, right? If you want I can follow."


They ate breakfast and then they took a walk to the Studio. Like yesterday, Angie couldn't stop looking at the view of Buenos Aires even though she had been living there since she was born.

"So how's going with you and Dad?" Violetta smirked.


"Oh, come on. Is that everything you have to say?"

Angie laughed and took Violetta's hand and hugged it. "I can say that I really love him. And I'm happy we're together."

That made Violetta feel happier. "I'm so happy that you guys are together."

A few minutes they were at the Studio. Violetta said goodbye to her aunt and before Angie left saw Pablo standing and talking with a student, but before she could talk to him Beto came and hugged her. "Angie!"

"Hey, Beto!" Angie laughed. He was hugging her really tight. When they had hugged, he looked at her with a big smile on his lips.

She saw that Pablo looked up and he met her eyes. "Angie?" He said and walked to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Violetta has been in the hospital."

"I heard about that; she's fine now, I hope."

"Yes. And me and German came from France right after we heard it and now I'm here." Angie laughed a little.

Pablo thought he had heard wrong. "German? Was he in France - with you?"

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