Chapter Two- Welcome to Starlight City!

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(Reef's POV)

Neptune and I are now chilling on the Secret Cove on the South Beach. Our land Pokémon are still playing in the sand...well they're not all land bound. There's her Blaistose, Seashell. He's a big blue turtle, who usually stands on two legs. Also there's Dude, my Raichu, from the Aloha Region. He floats on his lightning bolt tail, like a surfboard.

"I'm glad we got there in time," she hums under her breath.

"Me too." I casually wrap my arm around her. Ready for her to push me away...she never does.

She drenches her hair off to the side. Her eyes have returned to their normal ruby color.

If you were wondering: our legs have turned back to normal. Well, actually they're supposed to be fins and tails. Our shells allow us to walk on land.

She stands up and picks up Pearly. The red fox is sitting still in her trainer's arms.

Blaze watches her carefully as she does so. He then wanders over to me and sits down on my lap.

Neptune's Pokémon dash over to her. Her Eevee, Jewel climbs up on to her left shoulder. And Seashell stomps up behind her, acting as her shadow.

"Going so soon?" I stand up, dusting the wet sand off of my legs.

"Yeah, I gotta get some work done," she lets out a loud yawn.

"That reminds me, I gotta report the incident properly," I remember. Yeah, I trust the Doc, but the Higher-ups prefer paperwork to word.

Neptune offers to handle the boring paperwork for me. I don't have any issues with passing up on doing homework. So I let her go in my place.

I pet Blaze's head a bit, while reminding her to give me credit. I know she will.

"Don't I always?" She grins ear to ear. She strolls away, swaying her hips as she goes. Yeah, she does. We make quite the team, even though we're in different departments. She's a Researcher, I'm a Field Agent.

(Neptune's POV)

Walking through the market, lost in my thoughts.

Vendors are selling their produce to tourists and locals. Their prices are hard to beat.

Humming to myself, eyes closed, cause I know the way by heart. It wasn't long ago that this city was all I ever knew. Probably would've been. Thankfully, my parents never agreed to me furthering my education.

Something, no someone collides into me. Rather, I've collided into someone.

Eyes wide open now: I see a girl in desperate need for a haircut. She'd look rather ordinary, if she didn't have a Mankey tail. I'm used to the extraordinary. Thanks to having my own tail and fins. Wait, isn't this the same girl that Reef carried to the beach?

She's fallen onto the rainbow pebbles upon me bumping her down. She also appears to be soaking wet.

I quickly offer her a helping hand, which she accepts.

"Thanks, sorry I'm a bit lost and wasn't watching where I was going." Awww, she's taking the blame.

"I'm partly to blame also," I assure her. "Where you heading to?"

"Umm, the Pavilion Apartment Complex? She reads off of the scrunched up paper.

I tell her that I know where that is and offer to take her there. She gladly accepts my offer. And we leave the Rainbow Market.

"Here we are!" I point up to the Greek building. There's a sign out front that reads, "Welcome to The Pavilion Apartments!"

"THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!" She wraps her arms around my neck. To top it off, she's jumping up and down.

(Old) Pokémon Detectives Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora