An Update

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If you're reading this: hi! My name is Odette or Odessa Newton. Feel free to call me either or just Ode.

This story means a lot to me and I hope you're enjoying reading it so far. It is a work in progress. I'm just now getting around to editing it. But I'd rather be writing more of it. I wanna try and make the chapters longer while I'm at it.

If you wanna help by giving me helpful criticism please go ahead. Just don't come off as rude.

Again, I don't own Pokémon, but I'd love to work for the company that does. I do however own the Hercu Region and my characters, so please don't steal or copy.

I usually edit and write late at night so it seems like I'm writing crap, which I probably am. Night Owl here, more of a cat than an owl...

You're probably thinking, "why's it called Pokémon Detectives if they're not detectives? We're not there yet in the story! I gotta get the characters to know one another and so on...and THEN they become detectives.

(Old) Pokémon Detectives Where stories live. Discover now