The Dark Woods

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We finally find some shelter under a big willow tree. It was placed as if it supposed to be there, like it was waiting for us.

The strange boy sits down. I stare at him, studying his face. Why don't I know him?

He has sparkling dark green eyes and hair as black as the night sky. He's about 5'10 maybe 5'11 with a slim body. His face is a perfect structure. A dream boy I think to myself.

He must have known I was staring at him because when our eyes met he blushed and stood up immediately.

"I'm going to go find some firewood"  he said turning to leave. I wanted to get to know him, maybe he knew how we got here.

"Wait! " I call out. He flips his head around and slows his pace. "Hurry up, before it gets dark."

I follow him into the dark woods and question whether I should have gone or not. I then remember that I wanted to know more about him.

"What did you say your name was?" I ask looking at the night sky. "I didn't. " he says as he picks up a nice size walking stick.

"Oh, right..." That was dumb. Why would you say that? He obviously doesn't like you.

"Gregg." he says as he stops and turns to me. "And whom might you be?" I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks, I can barely make out my words.

"Um...I-well I'm.....Jane." I look at him, he smiles. "Hi Jane."

Something in me tells me that this boy is trouble, but I feel he might also be an adventure. I can't decide which.

We walk further into the woods, gather some firewood, and head back to camp.

As he starts to make a fire I realize that he's done this before, maybe he was a boy scout, or maybe he just knows how to do it because someone, like his dad, taught him.

I decided I should ask him. "So where did you learn to do that?" I then relize that it was a dumb question when he starts to laugh amongst himself.

"Make a fire?" he says as he looks up, proud of his work. "Yeah, were you like a boy-scout or something?"

"Oh, Jane." he says looking back down at the fire. "You just don't understand common sense, do you?" he smirks.

Obviously I am offended. "I know how to make a fire!" I argue. "I was just trying to make conversation." I turn around.

"Oh....I was just joking." he sounds apologetic. He reaches for my shoulder to comfort me, I pull away.

a few hours pass

Gregg lays on his back and looks at the stars. "They're beautiful, you know?"

"They're dead, you know." I say as I lay a few feet away from him. He props his body up and stars at me. "Really?" he says.

"Yup. They're dead."

"Hm still beautiful." Gregg says as he turns back to the sky.

Panic starts to rise in my body.

What if we're stuck on this island forever? How did we get here?

I don't remember anything before running. What happened to me?

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