~; T h r e e ;~

387 3 4

Torms Pov.

Medd semmed like today wasnt the day as he carried me to our room. "A....are you really sure, Torm...?" Medd asked. "Of course I am, Medd!~" I said. "A....alright..." Medd said. He pinned me on the bed.

[~Time skip cus' I cant right sin! I dunno how!~]

~The next day~

Torms Pov. Still

Ahh, last night was amazing.  It was still weird though, cus', Im taller than Medd, and older. [Such short pov.]

Medds Pov. 

I was sitting in the kitchen, Eating toast, and I saw Torm, running to the kitchen from the bathroom. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Torm squeals."Whats the matter!?" I say jumping out of my seat acting like my toast, is a wepon. "Medd, calm down! Nothings wrong!" Torm says and I sit back down eating my toast. "Guess what, Medd." Torm says. "Hm?" I mumble. "Im pregnate!" Torm says. I started to squeal as well. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I squeal. I call my parents. "Hello? This is Matt and Edd." I hear Edd say. "Its Medd!" I say. "Oh, hey honey! How have you been!?" Edd says. "Good dad, but can I talk to you and dad, I need to tell ya'll good news." I say. "Sure." Edd says. "Hi Mett!" Matt says. "Medd." I correct him. "So, whats the good news?" Edd says. " Well, me and Torm...are having a kid." I say. They gasp. They hang up. We call Tom and Tord and tell them the same.

Welllll 234 words! New record! EEEEE! Bye Bye! ~April

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