A New Clue

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We didn't go to the police because Shane's Videos May be taken down. Garrett started looking through Shane's emails while Drew looked through Shane's phone and I called all of the people in his contacts to see if they know anything.
"Yes Garrett?"
"Um... I found a strange email from people called the Illuminati...."
I felt a shiver run down my spine
"Wha, what does it say?"
"Dear Shane, we are tired of you constantly talking about us in your videos and you will pay for it shortly."
After hearing that paragraph I wanted to rip off my short brown hair
"I think I know where to find him" Garrett said
We all headed into the car for a long journey. All I wanted right now was to see his short brown-red hair and funny, caring personality

After they were done interrogating me Cheeto but my leg and I started to bleed. They left but, all the doors were still locked. I was trapped.... I really hope Ryland is looking for me, I feel so lonely.

Shane Dawson Goes Missing (Captured by Illuminati)Where stories live. Discover now