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I grabbed Joey by the arms and drew grabbed him by the legs. We tied him up with duct-tape and threw him into a closet with Cheeto and locked them in there. I turned a corner and I saw a large glass window and a door with a lock on it. I looked through the window and saw shane, bleeding....
Not very bad but still enough that if we didn't get him some attention he could die. I tried opening he door but the lock resisted. I tried breaking the glass but it also resisted.

I went back to the closet with Joey and Cheeto in it and i dug through Joeys pockets till i found a key. I prayed that this was the key. For all I know he could've hid it anywhere. But hope was on my side and the door flew open.


The door flew open, Ryland,Drew, and Garrett ran up to me. Ryland untied me and he kissed me, quickly, because i felt myself bleeding out. Then everything went black.


Shane blacked out. A thousand thoughts rushed through my head.
Was I to late?
Is he dead?
He's dead.
No he's not
But what if he is
Garrett picked up shane and carried him outside of this hell house. The drive to the hospital felt like forever. I missed him smile, his laugh, his voice...and I still do.
The moment we arrive at the hospital Garrett picked up Shane and we ran up to the ER. They took him back immediately for emergency surgery. I cried on Drews shoulder. I filed a police report while we wait. Im assured that police will be at the team 10 house in 15 minutes. I'm scared to hear the news and my stomach is tied in a knot when I hear the words
"Ryland Adams?"
I look over in the corner where they took Shane and there stands a doctor, I'm hoping for the best new, but i'm trying to prepare for the worst.  He pulls me into a room where I hear beeping and breathing. There lies Shane, still doing the one thing that I prayed he still would be doing...Breathing.
"He should be better in a matter of 2-3 months. He will have to spend the night. Do you want me to call your friends in here with you?"
"Yes, thank you."
I looked at Shanes weak body. Though he's weak, he's still going. I gave him a long passionate kiss. Drew and Garrett came into the room. We all sat in silence for a long time till the doctor came back in.
"Shane will have to spend the night tonight. Your all invited to stay tonight with him if you would like."
"That would be great." Drew says
"Thanks doc" Garrett adds on.
"Just doing my job" he winks and then he leaves

"Damn, he's hot" Garrett says
"I heard that!" the doctor yells from the hallways "My timer is John Kreeger"
"SCORE" Garrett whispers .
The nurses bring us blankets and pillows. Garrett and Drew lie on the floor while i sit in a chair next to Shane, with our fingers linked. I fall asleep with my head on his chest.

The next day Shane awakes and is "OKed" to go home. Shane gets pushed in a wheelchair to the car. Drew drives home and Garrett sits in the passenger seat. Shane and I are in the backseats of the car. He falls back asleep on my lap. I fell back asleep too.

My eyes flutter open but they are still heavy. So they were shut but I still was awake. But my eyes bursted open when I heard the words
"I love you" muttered out of Shanes mouth

Shane Dawson Goes Missing (Captured by Illuminati)Where stories live. Discover now