Chapter 23

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Rachel POV

I woke up with a pounding sore head.... aw it was really killing me, I go to get up but immediately regret it.

All of the memories are coming back from last night, finn came to the door and we talked. He didn't cheat? But that could be a lie and believe me finn was a good liar

I very very slowly got up and went to the bathroom, I washed my face and then looked back into the mirror, a really depressing and ugly face looking back at me.

Finn what you do me

I go downstairs and see San still out of the game, I decide not to wake her. That could pretty much ruin our friendship if I done that.

I fix myself up and head out leaving Santana a note, saying why I left and why I didn't wake her up.

I decide to walk back to Jenna's since the air could probably do me some good at the moment and plus it's not that far a walk.

God I'm a mess, physically and emotionally.

I know Finn was just looking out for our future but he could have said that before any of this shit happened, and not break my heart.

He's probably fucking that bitch right now and here I am grieving for him. Huh pathetic.

Don't get me wrong finn can be a douchebag but he certainly can cheer you up and make you feel special. Now somebody else had that quality from him. That's really depressing

I hope the best form him I really do.

It was wrong but it's over now, all I need to do now is build up the courage to go into classroom everyday and face him. That's not so hard. Right?

I get to Jenna's and open the door.

It was 7 in the morning so I doubt anyone is up because it's a Saturday. I slowly shut the door quietly and head upstairs to the room I had been sleeping in.

I really love staying with Jenna, she's understanding and loving. The list could go on for ever.

I head into my room and lay on the the bed just thinking how I got myself into this mess in the first place. If only I didn't pick history for my higher, if only he wasn't my teacher, if only he wasn't so fucking handsome and sexy in a shirt! I think angrily to myself

Suddenly my phone goes off

It was a text from San

Hey I got your note, I feel like shit right now. You need to get over finn so I may have set up a date for you tonight at breadstix, don't hate me- San x

My eyes widen at the message

You what?!- rach

You read it- San

I'm going to kill you, tell me who it is at least- rach

Ok fine, puckerman-San

Puck?! Are you serious?!- rach

Yep, meet him at table 7 at 6 tonight-San

I fucking hate you-rach

You love me, have fun-San

I won't-rach

I let my phone drop on my pillow, really San? Puck? Ugh I thought Jesse was bad, but this is a whole different level

I'll give him a chance, but I can already feel that it's going to be terrible. Actually terrible is an understatement. It's going to be fucking disastrous!!!

Ugh! Fuck my life.....

First finn and now this

Honestly if anybody asks me for dating advice I swear. I'll say "well nothing fucking worked out for me at that age"

I wonder what Finns doing right now, does he miss me like I miss him? Probably not. I need to stop thinking about him...... maybe this date could open a new door even tho it probably won't, it's worth a shot.

Finns probably already got someone, I mean it's no doubt that he is good looking and sexy and aw!!! Everything about him screams amazing sex!

His dick tho! It's fucking huge, to be honest I'm surprised it fit in there. It was amazing tho.

I need to stop thinking about him....

Should I cancel the date? No! I'm not going to pussyfoot around this just because I miss finn

Tonight is going to be fun!

I hope anyway

Hello! How do you think the date will go? What about finn? Comment below! Plus I'm doing a q&a so any questions leave below! All questions welcomed! Love you all 💖💝💝💕

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