Chapter 25

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Rachel POV

I decide not to go for anything too fancy, since it was a date with puck. I put on a light blue dress and a pair of light blue heels. I put on natural makeup.

I sit waiting in my couch patiently, thinking about finn. Again. I'm not letting him get in the way of this date. If that's what you want to call it.

I hear a chap at the door and get up to answer it. Obviously it was puck, holding some roses in his left hand and his free hand at his side

"You look nice" he says looking me up and down

I hated when men done that but I let it slide since it was in their natural nature.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I say smiling

"Shall we?" He says holding his arm out for me, handing me the roses before we went.

He pulled up the car and headed inside to our table that had been reserved by San. I still hate her for this even tho it's actually been going ok.

He pulls the chair out for me and I thank him before he sits himself down on the opposite side.

"So..... what's your favourite subjects in school?" He asks trying to make conversation so that it's not awkward

I decide to take a minute to think

As much as it pained me to say it

"History, you?"

"Oh! History is ok, the new teacher it's actually pretty cool. Mines is probably PE. Football you know?" He replies

"History is ok with him I guess..... typical guys with football!" I laugh

Ever since then we were talking non stop! He seems like a really nice guy, I feel bad for judging his personality.

We ate in a comfortable silence, after talking about so much stuff! Like how we both hate pickles and other disgusting foods

After dinner was done it was time to head home to Jenna's. He drove me to hers and I thanked him for the amazing evening. I have him a kiss on the cheek and we exchanged numbers. I don't feel the need to kiss him on the lips.

Since you know what's just happened with douchebag.....

I shut the door but felt a presence that nobody was in. Where are they? Ugh I don't really care. I take off the heels that have been literally stabbing my feet all night.

I walk into the kitchen to find a note left by Jenna

Hey sweetie, there's been a little family   Emergency. Me, rick, Elena and Jeremy won't be back until Wednesday at the earliest. There's money on the counter and the keys are under the doormat, stay safe sweeetie, love- auntie Jenna x

Yay! I have the whole house to myself. Just then my phone buzzed, I picked it up thinking it was puck and answered

R: hello?
?:come outside
R:who is this?
?:come outside or your little teacher fling will be all over McKinley
R:what the fuck are you talking about?
?:come outside

I decided to give in, opening the patio door thinking this was a prank by Santana or puck.

"I'm here!" I shout

I hear rustling in the bushes beside the house that lead into the woods

Should I follow the noise? No that's when the first bitch dies in horror films

I decide to go back inside locking the doors, and I mean every door an window was made sure it was locked

I go up to my room and get undressed, making sure the blinds were down... so nobody could look in

I heard a creak but just mistook it for a floorboard

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my mouth. Shit I'm going to die. I turn my head but the figure was hooded and was wearing a really creepy Michael Myers mask, which was bone chilling

"Don't say a word" it said not removing its hand from my mouth

"I want  you to do what I say" it says

I only nod because it's glove is covering my mouth


I raise my eyebrows, oh my god someone help me!!!

I let my tears fall from my eyes down to my cheeks.

I done what I was told, I stripped down that nothing

"Good girl, the lengths that you go for this secret never to leaked is just as surprising" he says

I look behind me, to see this figure unbuckling his belt. Shit..... I'm going to get raped. In my own bed and nobody's here to help me

"Bend over" it demands

I need to do what he's telling me so that I pretty much won't get killed

Just as he was about 'enter me' my phone rang

"Ignore it" he says thrusting my into me hard

I try not to scream in pleasure, because of what he was doing. I cry silently to myself as he is doing this to me

My phone goes  off again

"Ignore it!" He shouts still thrusting into me, hard. He was hurting me.

About 5 minutes later he pinned me up against the wall thrusting into me.

"Do you like this? Huh" he says through his mask

I didn't answer which caused him to get angry. He threw me over the other side of the room hitting me into my dressing table.

I moan in pain

"Answer me!" He demands but I still don't answer him

Suddenly he pulls out a knife

"Had your chance" he says stabbing into my stomach, I scream in agony

He tucks his manhood back into his pants

I try and cover the wound with my hands

My eyes start to feel heavy

"You have a nerve" he says

"So do I!" A masculine voice shouted as he burst through the door

It was finn

He dragged the guy away from me and started punching him right in the face knocking him out

He ran over to me

"Oh god, shit shit shit" he whispers

"Rachel. Stay with me. Keep your eyes open!!!" He shouts calling 911

He puts his hand over the wound to try and stop it

He took off his shirt and pressed firmly on the bleeding wound

"Please Rachel, don't leave me" he begged

"I love you too much" he says and that was the last thing I heard him say before it went black

What do you guys think? Who do you think it was? Comment what you think! Please leave questions as you know! Love you all💖💕💝❤️

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