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Persassy: sup

Neeks: yo

Fire at Will: it worked

Neeks: what worked?

Hi my name is [Hazel]: ha

Neeks: dammit will

Persassy changed group chat name to Only speak in Hamilton quotes

Wise girl: sweet jesus

Meme: wrong religion annabeth. Also no

Persassy: aw

Wise girl: I'm going to invite someone

Neeks changed name to Death

Death: oh god who is it

Wise Girl invited Death to group chat

Death: annabeth what is this

Death: oh it's him

Death changed name to Italy

Italy: that name was fun while it lasted

Death changed name to Swagness

Swagness: same. Now I'm too weirded out to use it

Italy: so who are you

Swagness: magnus

Persassy: I got left behind. Isn't that the dead kid?

Wise girl: yeah

Italy: I like him already

Fire at Will: are you cheating on me

Italy: yes

Italy has left group chat

Persassy: I guess you aren't his type

Italy joined group chat


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