9 1 1

Gay is yay: holy shit

Byesexual: what

Gay is yay renamed group chat to "sexuality discussion"

Gay is yay: everyone who us here has to be honest now

Gay is yay: percy

Persassy: you guys already know I'm bi

Wise girl: this is new

Blond jesus: bi

Meme: bi

Lesbiatch: super gay

Curly fry: straight

Byesexual: this is literally the same thing we did last time

Super Pretty Queen Reyna changed name to Rara

Rara: too bad

Pidge: idk why I'm still here but I'm gender fluid. He/him rn please

Swagness: pan

Who's flying the plane: I'm str8

Amazhang: same

Swagness: what does your name even mean sam

Who's flying the plane: if you're gay, Alex is gay, hearth is gay, and blitz is gay then who's flying the plane?

Wise girl: oh

Wise girl: asexual

Fashuion: I'm still here

Who's flying the plane: I know

Persassy: where did Solangelo go?

Blond jesus: idk

Lesbiatch: that's suspiciuous

Wise girl: suspicous

Lesbiatch: I'm coming to visit camp

Blond jesus: my bed is too comfortable go check on solangelo. They're probably in the hades cabin

Lesbiatch: potassium

Wise girl: aye

Persassy: wait what

Lesbiatch: I did not need to see that

Blond jesus: oh gods what

Lesbiatch: Nico and will are busy right now don't go in there

Gay is yay: we were gone for a few minutes and you send your attack dog after us?

Lesbiatch: rude

Byesexual: we were busy

Persassy: oH

Wise girl: 2 campers can't be in a cabin alone

Byesexual: shut ur fuck

Curly fry: watch your language

Amazhang: Hazel no

Gay is yay left group chat

Persassy: oh great

Byesexual has left group chat

Lesbiatch: im not going back in there

Blond jesus: I don't blame you

Persassy has left group chat

Wise girl: o

Blond Jesus has left group chat

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