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I woke up and Ethans face was right next to mine, he was still asleep and he looked so peaceful and untouched. The bruise looked a little better but not to much, his lip though looked almost good. I had to go pee really bad so I got up and went to the bathroom, as I left the room I was face to face with my mom. All I was thinking was praying to god that she wouldn't get mad, she suddenly pulled me into her room and shut the door behind us.

"Before I come to any conclusions, please tell me that you and that boy in your room didn't do. Ya know... what I'm thinking about" -she said and I instantly made a disgusted face

"Mom ew no!! He got into some stuff with another guy last night and I didn't want his mom to get all mad so I invited him over last minute. I know I should have asked but it was late and you were out and-" -I started to say but she cut me off

"Ally it's ok, all long as nothing happened. I think it's cute that you got a new boyfriend that cares about you"

"Mom! He's not my boyfriend"

"Ally I'm your mother, it's ok. I know you and Josh weren't the best but I can tell you really care about this kid. So what's his name?"

"Mom are we really having this convo when he's legit sleeping in the next room over"

"I'm sorry I just like being updated and I want you to know you can tell me anything"

(on an actual real note who's mom has said that bc my mom says it all the time when I don't tell her stuff that's going on😂🤦🏽‍♀️)

"I know I'll tell you about it just maybe not right now, I'm gonna go back because I don't want him to wake up when I'm not there and thinking something is up"

"Ok well I'm going to leave for work in a few minutes so I'll see you tonight, love you" -she said as she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, I then left her room and went to mine. I thought E was still asleep but when I got back under the covers he suddenly pulled me closer to him.

"I thought you were asleep" -I said lighting rubbing the side of his face with my thumb


"How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to hear your mom talk about how she thinks we are dating" -he laughed but I instantly felt my face turn red since I was embarrassed that he over heard my conversation with me mom

"Oh god, I'm sorry"

"Its ok I thought it was kinda funny, plus you make a cute face when your embarrassed"

"Well I think your cute" -I said as he rolled me until I was straddling his body

"I'm nervous to go home, I feel like my mom is gonna best my ass"

"You'll be fine"

"What happens if I get grounded from hanging out with friends"

"Then I'll sneak into your house"

"I didn't think you were such a rebel Ally" -he commented reaching up to kiss me again, it was short but meaningful

"Whatttt I'm such a rebel Ethan" -I replied with a bunch of sarcasm making both of us laugh because I sounded weird but also stupid. As we were laughing I heard the garage door open and close signaling that my mom had left for work.

"I'm hungry" -he whined and I wasn't surprised because I feel like he could always eat

"Me too, let's go make something"

"What about pancakes?"

"Pancakes it is" -I finished as I grabbed his hand as we walked downstairs. As we were mixing the pancake mix with water Ethan looked over at me with a weird look in his eyes, he then grabbed a bit of the batter and spread it on my cheek.

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