the beginning

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Millie's POV:

Oh god. I'm really not prepared for today.

Today is the day that I have to kiss Finn Wolfhard.


I only found out about it yesterday, when the Suffer Brothers called all of the cast into a meeting and announced it.

I was blushing furiously and it turns out Finn was too. We were both sporting tomato faces while everyone cheered, clapped and whoohoo'd.

I truly am dreading today.

Now, last year I didn't have a problem with shooting a kiss scene, but that was before I had feelings for him. 

He has looks that can kill and an amazing personality. He always knows how to make me happy when I'm sad and laugh when I cry. He's just a great person.

"-illie? Millie?" Paige snaps her fingers at me.

I snap back into reality and see Paige looking into the rearview mirror at me. I see my reflection and quickly put my head down. I was blushing.

"Y-yeah?" I say

"You were spacing out pretty hard there. Thinking about someone?" Paige says with a smirk on her face.

"N-no of course not. I was revising my lines."

"Sure, sure. Anyway we're nearly there so make sure you have everything."

I nod and look out the window.

The roads start looking familiar and my palms begin sweating as we near the studio.

I feel sick to my stomach as I begin to see the large metal gates appearing larger and larger until we get to the driveway.

Finns POV:

I read over my script again and again, hoping that the words "Scene 19: Mike/Finn kisses Eleven/MBB" are just my imagination.

Sadly, they aren't.

It's not like I don't want to kiss Millie. After all, I've been dreaming about it since last year, since the last time we had to kiss.

I just want it to be under our circumstances. I want to finally get the guts to just kiss her. Not as Mike and Eleven; as Millie and Finn.

Truth is, I've had a crush on her for quite some time now.

She has deep brown eyes that I can get lost in and smooth hair that I just want to put my hands in.

She has the nicest spirit and see's the good in everyone. She also tries her hardest with everything she does, even small things and you can really see it pay off.

God, I'm a fillie shipper and a Millie stan!

I chuckle at myself. Which then turns into full-blown laughing. I'm gasping for air as my trailer door swings open.

"Dude we can hear you on set. What's so funny??"


"Oh nothing. I was just thinking of a joke someone told me," I lied.

"Yeah, okay, what is it?"


Think Finn, think.

Oh! I know!

"What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?"

Caleb grins as he waits for the answer


His face fell instantly at my reply. He shakes his head at me and face palms.

"Dude, you seriously have to find some better jokes. "

He turns around and walks out, leaving me with my thoughts again. Instantly my mind goes to Millie. She would've at least given me a laugh for that joke.

Speaking of, where is Millie?

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