Mini chapter

264 6 2

Lucy's P.O.V

What is this

I can't focus on anything



"George," Lockwood speaks first, putting my thoughts in some semblance of an order, "why are you under my bed?"

George doesn't answer at first, staring at us.

Now, finally, after what felt like an hour, he finally opens his mouth and talks. "I was just coming in here to look for Lucy, because she wasn't in her bedroom at home, so I came in here and I was searching and then you started thrashing and doing that thing with the pillowcase, and then I was just-"

"Spying on us," Lockwood says flatly, interrupting George's ranting. "Why?"

George opens and closes his mouth like a fish. I can tell that he's about to blurt out some excuse, and my head is starting to throb painfully, so I interrupt.

"Lockwood, just... just leave him be.he regrets it, I can tell he regrets it, so just... ignore him."

I rub my temples. "And my head REALLY hurts..."

George gazes at me.

"Hey Lucy," he blurts out of nowhere, "what happened in the second vision you had? Recently you've been behaving weirdly, and... it seems like it was kind of... how do I put it... traumatic."




I slowly nod. "I don't want to talk about it."

I remember those awful feelings.





"At fifty years old... Enca was stabbed with a sword. In her kitchen, from behind. By someone who used to be Enca's friend, before Enca's insanity took over her mind. They killed her, and, well, now she's out for revenge."

I yawn.

"OK, time to sleep," Lockwood says, noticing my tiredness immediately. "And Lucy?"

"Hmm... yes?"

"Thank you for coming and helping me. I was having... a horrible dream."

I'm too sleepy and annoyed to blush. "It was nothing."

Lockwood's P.O.V

I watch as Lucy walks over to her bed and promptly falls right onto it, fast asleep.


"Hey, Lockwood, where do I sleep?" George asks unexpectedly.

I turn to look at him. "You... Hmm... You can sleep over there." I point at the bed next to the door.

He shrugs. "OK."

He doesn't move.

I stare at him.




"What?" He exclaims. "You're staring at me."

I exhale slowly. "I am waiting for you to get your butt out from under my bed. Lucy is already in bed and asleep. You're still not moving."


"... Oh. Alright." He squirms out and ambles over to his bed, scratching vigorously at a crevice in his jeans.

Once he's asleep, I roll over onto my side and focus on resting.

Tomorrow, we're going back to the haunted house.

On the Edge of InsanityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora