Nazo: Christmas Cookies

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In the middle of a snow covered forest there was an abandoned house. Well it wasn't quite abandoned. I lived there and technically it wasn't an abandoned house to begin with. It just looks like one. And because it looks like one, earlier this evening I had an unexpected guest.  A whitish blue hedgehog named Nazo. I didn't even know he was there until a few minutes ago when he spooked me and nearly made me drop my tree topper. I brought out hot chocolate as he sat on the couch in my living room. "So what brings you here Nazo?" I place the mug on the table beside him. "I was escaping the blue one and the so called ultimate lifeform. I assumed no one lived here." "Well I guess this place does look a little run down. It just needs a fresh coat of paint and some new windows. I suppose I could've put some lights up." "Do you plan to tell them I'm here?" "Well no, actually I'm glad to have some company for once and so long as you behave yourself, you can stay as long as you need to." I smile and go back to finishing the decorating I was doing before the surprise guest arrived. "Oh, I just realized. You must be hungry. It's a long way to get here from town. I'll make you something to eat." "That's kind of you but, I'm fine." "Nonsense! You're my guest and it would be absolutely rude of me if I just made something for myself." "But-" "No buts about it. I'll be right back." I exit the room and make my way into the kitchen. Since I have a bit of a sweet tooth I start making sugar cookies. I pull out a pan and get the dough. Once I've finished with that I preheat the oven and check on my guest in the other room. He seems to be looking at all the decorations I put up. I head back into the kitchen and check on the oven before putting the pan of cookie dough in. I set a timer and re-enter my living room. "So Nazo was there a particular reason you chose my house to hide in?" "Hmm? It looked abandoned. There was no other reason. Although I have to ask, why is it you live in such a house?" "Well, I've always lived here. Sure I've let it go over time but, I still take care of the inside. In my opinion it's what's on the inside that counts." I catch the sweet scent of the cookies in the oven. "What's that smell?" "The cookies I'm making. Judging by the scent, they're almost ready. Just a few more minutes and they should be ready to eat." He seems lost in thought before he snaps back to reality. "There was one more thing I wanted to ask you." "Go ahead, I don't mind. But, you should be quick because I have to check on the cookies." "Why let me stay despite the fact I'm a stranger?" "Would you believe me if I said I sensed some good in you? Even if it's a small amount, it's enough."  And with that I went back into the kitchen leaving Nazo in confusion. The cookies came out just right. Not too crispy but not too chewy. I would say they're about a happy medium. I place them on a plate and bring them into my living room where Nazo was sitting. "You made these, correct?" "That's right." "Then how do I know you didn't do something to them?" "I plan to eat some of those, why would I do something to them?" "Eat one." Nazo eyed the cookies suspiciously as I grabbed one from the plate. I took a bite of it to prove it was fine but he wasn't convinced. The one who should be suspicious is me. After all I let a stranger in my house, he could've been a criminal for all I know. But, I trust my judgment and I can see a small bit of good in him so I've made the decision to trust him. "Aren't you going to try one?" Nazo's expression didn't change as he picked up a cookie off the plate and stopping just before the cookie reached his lips. "What if the cookie you ate was the only safe one and the rest of the batch is poison?" Seriously? Would a sweet innocent (C/T) really poison Christmas cookies? "Eat this cookie and prove to me that they aren't poison." He holds the cookie in front of my face and waits for me to take a bite. I try to take the cookie but he pulls it back. He wants me to eat it out of his hand. I sigh and bite the cookie. He suddenly eats the rest of the cookie I just bit. That was technically an indirect kiss. The rest of the night was spent eating Christmas cookies but, after the indirect kiss I feel just a little closer to Nazo.

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