Rookie: Hot Chocolate

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 The weather outside took a turn for the worse today. Just earlier it was a gentle snowfall and now it's a full on blizzard. Poor Rookie is stuck at my house because of the sudden weather change. I grab a blanket and bring it to him. "I'm sorry you ended up getting stuck here with me. You can leave as soon as the storm lets up." He takes the blanket and mumbles something inaudible. "Are you hungry at all? I have some leftovers if you want." He simply shakes his head and mumbles, "I'm fine." "I'm also sorry for being so awkward... I don't usually have guests and this would be the first time I'm having someone spend the night." He sighs and mumbles again but, I can't hear what he said. "I'm sorry can you repeat..." "My bad, I know I'm pretty quiet. I said don't worry about it." He smiles at me and I kinda smile back before awkwardly exiting the room. I'm not very good with people. I'm what you would call a shut in. I don't go out much and when Rookie came to my house, I wasn't expecting it. The weather is pretty cold out... maybe I could make something to warm up. I head into the kitchen and grab two mugs. I may be awkward around the guy but I'm certainly not going to be rude to him. I boil some water and grab two packets of chocolate mix. I pour the chocolate mix and add the water. I then add milk to cool it down just right so it's not too hot and not too cold. I bring the mugs into the room where he's staying. "Here, I thought this might help warm you up." "Thank you... You're very kind (Y/N)." I blush at his comment and we enjoy our hot chocolate. The storm outside might be frightful but, at least it's warmer inside.

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