Chapter 1

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              There is a person standing in the center of a dark room. Their name is unknown as they stood there, staring off into the distance as though something in the dark void above filled with bright balls of gas that no longer exist had caught their attention. A snap of their neck. The sound of cracking bone and excruciating crunching that could cause a grown man to vomit and cry was heard as their attention was caught by something to the left. Then to the right. Every movement made the noise. It was horrific yet oddly soothing. It was gruesome and in a way aesthetic and calming. Music began playing... A ringtone on a phone yet no phone was in sight. Eyes snapped in the young male's direction. Icy blue eyes that were, just like the noise, horrifying and enough to sear through a soul yet calming and horrifically beautiful.

              He sat up and stared around his dark room, immediately reaching for his lamp and turning it on. Light illuminated the room and, after a few glances, a sigh of relief left him as he searched for his phone, the music he had heard in his dream. Was it really a dream? He could feel everything down to the very detail of breath on the back of his neck. The cold feeling of the room still lingered but his heater was still on. He could still feel eyes on him.

              "Hello? ....Yes this is he. What is it this time? ....I will be there as soon as possible. Just stall him for me." Another call from the manager of his work. Where did he work again? Right. That one store to the right a few places of that bakery place he often went to to buy sweets. Of course he enjoyed his job which is definitely why he forgot what it was. That is what love is correct? Forgetting. Regret. Commitment.

              The young male shook his head to clear his thoughts, quickly pulling on a black dress shirt and a deep, yet soft green color that matched his eyes. It was a mint green, yet not; dark, yet light; a soothing color. It matched his eye color which was brought out by his long, messy black hair and porcelain yet lightly freckled skin. He slipped on slim fit black jeans, black ankle socks, and solid black, high-top canvas shoes. He pinned a name tag to his chest that said, "Employee #437." Who knows what happened to the other four-hundred thirty-six employees. The manager never saw names to be important, but if anyone must know, his name is Miomata Ryu, or just Mio for short.

              Mio was known for his cold stare, his constantly bored and disapproving look and the black scales that lined his cheekbones and the side of his face as well as the triangle of scales on his forehead that started at his hairline. His slit pupils only made his cold stare worse, especially when they narrowed to show his annoyance. His eyes seemed almost bio-luminescent as they often seemed to glow in the dark. His ears were somewhat pointed and elf-like, a size 4 gauge present in his ear lobes. The fact he received a job with the amount of piercings he had was something often questioned by his very few coworkers, who typically didn't last long. He had reasonable black eyebrows with an eyebrow piercing on the left side of his face. He had snake bites, both black diamond studs in his lower lip, as well as a hidden black tongue piercing.

              Mio stepped to the door of the towering, ominous building and snapped into the mic after hearing hissing followed by low groans from an unidentifiable voice. Or, possibly voices. It sounded like several people speaking in unison, but often times when he entered the office, it was merely one person who never spoke but stared with wide, unblinking eyes. Mio learned not to ask questions and just ignore it. The doors slowly opened, and he walked in, heading up to his office where his microphone sat. The place he read off announcements for whatever all powerful force that was out there setting papers on his desk. So. Many. Papers. Although, sometimes it was just his manager with papers from the Overlord. You know. The guy that just stands on top of that one building with his hood covering his face like a complete dork chanting, "Conform. Conform. All hail the Overlord," but no one ever takes him seriously. After all. He looks totally ridiculous in that ominous cape of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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