about our idols

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>>more about our idols💕💕

Nathaniel, Juliette, Amy and Jennifer were part of the same class in primary school! Talk about being one talented class! They had a national sprinter (Nathaniel), pianist (Juliette), an actress (Jennifer) and a national footballer (Amy)! Word is, they remained good friends even after their graduation. They're 19 now and still very good friends! Now that is really good friendship.

more about Juliette - by cocococo2888
Juliette won the International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition last year when she was 16, being the first Singaporean and Asian to win it. Being musically talented since young, she has won many awards and finished her exams before she was 14. Friends around her always described her as bubbly, happy-go-lucky but low self esteem. Go Juliette! You're really pretty and fit and also really talented! Please dont look down on yourself!

more about Nathaniel - by cocococo2888
Nathaniel Liu is currently on the Singapore Olympics Team as a national sprinter. He recently got Singapore's second gold medal and first gold medal in track and field last year. He is also the youngest sprinter on the team currently, and the youngest in the world to win an Olympic medal. Nathaniel's body is literally goallsssss

more about Amy - by hOhOhOiluvchocolate
Amy is the captain of the National Women's footbal team and she is really pretty. Her instagram feed is also very aesthetic!!

more about Jennifer - by gurlyouaintbrilliant
Jennifer is a really talented actress, already winning "best supporting actress" and "best newcomer" in the annual television awards. she has amazing chemistry with her fellow actors on-screen.
a simple background about the main characters hope you guys enjoyed it yo first blog coming up soon - eli

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