blog #2 - 20 August 2019

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blog #2
Amy Tan is in a relationship!! - by hOhOhOiluvchocolate

guess who Amy Tan is dating?? It's non other than the heart-throb footballer Oliver Chua!! (see picture attached!!) More about him: he is the current captain of his team, and is one year older than her. News were confirmed by Amy and Oliver when they posted it on twitter: "@amytanofficial : thanks for asking me be your girlfriend @oliverchua love you lots 💖💖" and "@oliverchua : proud to call someone my own 💗 @amytanofficial " they're so cute i swear if i see any couple i might faint oh my god - i ship them so bad #amiverforlife . lets start this hashtag and get it trending! let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

comments: (3)
amytanofficial : omg you guys are so cute haha you did a blog on us awww
oliverchua : thank you for stanning us!
istanlocaltalents : holy shit they are the real amy tan and oliver chua 😲

oliverchua started following your website
amytanofficial started following your website

oliverchua, amytanofficial and one other liked your page.

for clarification's sake, the real celebs' usernames will be the same as their twitter/instagram/social media names. i will add a list of the real celebs username (not fanpage). for now,
are the real people. and as in "page" i mean that blog entry. so people can actually 'like' each blog entry. and lmao in my world you can follow a website and the sources ARE reliable so all information is correct. also, look at the picture attached to see amy and oliver (aka 侯明昊 and 马思纯) - eli

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