Chapter I

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"Oy dickhead!"

My bandmates repeatedly yell at me, waking me from my peaceful sleep. I groan and peel myself from my bed, my head is pounding and now I have earache from my previous sleeping position. The clock beside my bed reads 10:15 and I roll my eyes, the girl from last night is still fast asleep and now that I am sober, I feel sudden regret from drinking so much last night. I know I probably shouldn't be out most weekends, but I guess it just helps me to relax from all the constant nagging I get from everyone, but I also can't help thinking that sometime soon the perfect girl will come my way. I use the same old excuse that I won't find her if I'm sat on my arse all day and choose to party. In a way, I'm helping my future, by putting my liver at risk and giving myself the reputation of a player. My mother and father most definitely did not raise me to be this way, I was taught to respect the female kind and treat them like a princess not like a whore who I can just pick up and drop whenever I please. But I can trust you to figure out which path I took.

I creep out of my room and groggily shuffle my way into the kitchen, where Ben and Jamie are stood. They have haunting grins plastered on both of their faces and I instinctively sniff the air for any unusual smells, from knowing Jamie and his rotten guts for far too long.

"You will never believe this" Jamie begins telling a story, but as per usual he takes his time as he scrolls through his phone at the same time and takes plenty of pauses.

"Maybe I will if you tell me already" I snap, Ben chuckles as he knows how grumpy I get after my nap, but Jamie doesn't seem as happy. He patiently stares and waits for me to calm down before continuing, he is totally done with my shit and I don't really blame him.

"So, we just got a message from Chewits, you know them chewy sweets? Anyway, they sent us a message telling us how much they enjoyed our cover of 'I like to move it', they want us to cover it on their new advert!" He explains, he shows me the conversation and I see that he has already arranged a day, time and place. Moments like this make me so thankful for our fans, without their support I don't even know where we would be. We have a celebratory cuppa and then I haul myself back into my cocoon of self-hate next to the mascara stained naked mess that I had brought into my house. She is awake when I go back in and greets me with a smile.

"Hello gorgeous" I smile, I've been in this situation a thousand and one times and every time it gets more and more awkward.

"Hey there big boy" she grins, causing me to cringe. My drunken standards are ridiculous.

I get into bed next to her and put friends on the T.V. she leans on me until she finally proposes that she should leave. Relieved, I sneak her past the living room where the boys are sat, and she exits my house.

"How many times, Chez?" Jamie asks, sighing and shaking his head.

"How many times what?" I ask, praying he hadn't noticed.

"How many times are you going to do this 'fuck and chuck'? Until you find the right girl? Well the right girl is never going to come along and settle down with a man who pulls his pants down to every bloody girl he sees!" he rambles on, I stare at him like a little boy who is being yelled at by his big scary father, waiting for him to stop so I can pretend to be sorry and get on with my life.

"Forget it, do what you want, I'm done. You might want to get yourself checked, you don't know where they've been" He huffs, slamming the door behind him. Me and Ben stay in silence and awe.

"He's right you know?" Ben pipes up, timidly.

"Get lost Ben" I snap at the poor boy. He stares up at me, looking lost. He stands up and slowly walks to the door, he turns to say something but sighs and leaves anyway. I know I shouldn't do this, push away everything I have left, but I can't help it anymore. I need help.

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