Chapter II

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A week goes by and I still haven't spoken to Jamie, I apologized to Ben the same night as I snapped at him and we were right as rain. I have tried time and time again to get through to Jamie on the phone, but every time it goes to voicemail, he's probably with his perfect girlfriend Jen in his perfect house with his perfect dog. Moron. The meeting with the Chewits business is in an hour and I am not prepared for the fake smiles and the proximity to my stubborn bandmate.

Ben texts me an address for the Chewits headquarters so I type it into my satnav and set off. The whole car journey there I can't stop thinking about the other night, I should have listened to him the first time he had told me, and I didn't. I have still been to the pub for the past few days, but I haven't pulled my regular smooth talking, 'get into bed with me' act I have been wallowing in my self-pity. I've begun to realise that before, I was just collecting any girl that even looked at me and to be honest, I wasn't particularly attracted to any of them, not one of them caught my eye and had me muttering "wow". They were either too big, too small, big nosed, small eyed. There was always something wrong with them and I didn't notice until now but am disgusted with the way I treat females, jumping on anything with a pulse to make me feel the slightest bit fulfilled.

I finally arrive at a giant building, Chewits is written in big writing on the building. I spot Ben and Jamie stood by the door, taking a deep breath, I confidently stride towards them.

"Alright?" I ask, with my traditional British greeting. Jamie looks down uncomfortably as we make eye contact.

"Jamie, I- "

"I'm sorry" he tells me, pursing his lips with his hands pushed deep into his pocket.

"No need. You were right. These past few days have made me really think, what I've been doing is GBAN" I smirk.

"GBAN?" he giggles

"Yeah, its bang out of order! I'm so down with the kids!" I say in a nerd voice, he cracks into laughter and in that moment, I realise I gained my best mate back. A little smile still sits on his face moments later.

"Mates?" he asks, holding his hand out to shake, I grab his hand and pull him in for a hug. I feel relieved.

Now that me and Jamie are sorted, I lead the band into the gigantic building. It seems to be more of an office than a factory, I stride towards the reception desk and wait patiently for the office person. Before we know it a smartly dressed lady appears in front of us and for once I am not thinking about taking her home, I catch Jamie peering at me in the corner of his eye to be sure I wasn't getting my seed on.

"Hello, how can I help you boys today?" She asks politely.

"We're LoudKidz, we have an appointment" Ben tells her. She gives a grateful smile.

"Ah yes the band, if you just go down the hall to the right in the meeting room, they should be expecting you." She tells us, pointing to each room like a flight attendant on a plane. We thank the lady and make our way to the room. Ben opens the door first and gasps quietly to himself, me and Jamie confusingly stare at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Mabel? Mabel Jennings?!" He grins, before speeding into the room and hugging an extremely attractive, sexy secretary. They make small conversation before he turns to the other two thirds of the band.

"This is Mabel, we went to the same UNI, isn't this crazy?!" He bursts, excitedly

"Wow." I mutter, Jamie kicks my shin in annoyance.

"Small world huh ..." Jamie tells him, pursing his lips and raising his eyebrows quickly, like he always does. I go to speak but I can only bring myself to smile at her. She is breathtakingly beautiful, like I have never seen.

"... This is my band, LoudKidz" he tells her, rather proudly.

"Nice to meet you" I smile, using the opportunity to hug the majestic creature. I wrap my arms around her perfect body and her arms sit softly on my back, it feels like forever but in a few milliseconds, she lets go and I am gutted. Ben coughs uncomfortably to catch my attention, then frowns at me in a 'what the f*** are you doing' manor.

"So, you guys are the people my boss won't stop going on about huh?" She giggles at us. Ben agrees, laughing. She leads us over to a big meeting table where three smartly dressed, but scary men are sat. The men babble on for about an hour and inform us when we will be recording the song and run us through what will be happening that day. Apparently, we must sing "I like to chew it chew it" in our I like to move it cover, no doubt my lovely fans will take every opportunity they can grasp to rip the soul out of us for this but it's all about the publicity really.

After the meeting Mabel follows us out of the room, "It was great meeting you guys, and it's good seeing you again Benjamin!" She exclaims

"Nah come on I have barely seen you and it's been ages! We're going to TGI Friday's now, why don't you join us?" Ben asks, in a friendly manor.

"Well my shift just ended so... sure" she smiles, and off we go. I am overjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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