Ch 1. 5 years old

521 9 5

Hi, my name is Sam and I'm five years old. I live and go to school in Helena, Alabama and I play football. My number is 10 because that's my favorite number. My best friend in the whole wide world is a girl named Blaykleigh. She's so pretty. She has blue eyes and dark curly brown hair. I really like her but I know she don't like me. She always says "Boys are gross!" I laugh because she can't really mean that to me because she's always around me.

We have so much fun together. One time her mom had a cake in the oven. While we were waiting for it to get done we jumped around and danced. When her momma pulled it out of the oven the middle had fallen in. We laughed forever. I love hearing her laugh. Her smile is so pretty.

Sometimes she sneaks into her moms makeup and puts it on me. She loves to play dress up so I let her put dresses and high heels on me. Sometimes when I look through her window she's dancing around in the living room in her moms heels and dresses.

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