Ch. 3 15 years old

384 10 7

    Blaykleigh and Latin have been dating for five months now. I know because she tells me whenever they have a month anniversary. Latin is on the football team now that its sophomore year. He gets upset when he's not put in because he thinks he's all that. He knows me and Blaykleigh hang out and I don't tell her this but he's always talking smack to me about it. The reason I don't tell her is because she's happy and I'm not going to ruin that.

Now that she's dating Latin she been talking about marriage a lot. She says she wants her granddaddy to preach the sermons. She wants it out in the country with magnolia trees lining the property and for her bouquet to be magnolias too. But not too many people, she says she wants to save her dad some money. She's got this all planned out. I can picture it. I'll wear black suit and a black tie, and I'll try not to cry so nobody sees.

Honestly, no I don't think Latin's good for her. She really loves him and trusts him and that's a mistake. I would never tell her that unless I get real evidence. He's a player and we all see it. He's always talking about other girls in the locker rooms and at pregame.

Today my friend Matt and I were walking to football practice. I thought I heard Latin and another girls voice around the corner. I wasn't sure but I told Matt to be quiet while I peeked around the corner to see what was happening. I saw Latin making out with a girl that definitely wasn't Blayke... it was Liv.

I slowly took my iPhone out and videoed it. I don't want Blayke to get heart broken but it's better to do it know with real evidence than have someone else tell her.

I waited until after practice to let her see it. I didn't wanna be a jerk and send it to her. I know I'm not dating her and I'm not the one who cheated but I still feel like it's making the jerky move to send it through text. Like breaking up through text. Better to do it in person. Always.

When I got home I texted Blaykleigh

Me: Hey, uh can you come over. I know it's only 4:45 but practice ended early. We really need to talk.

Blayke 😋: Sure! What's up?

Me: Just come over! Pls...

Blayke 😋: Okay but Sam your scaring me.

Me: just hurry okay?

Blayke 😋: okay

Blayke finally came over. I think she took her sweet time though because she only lives two houses over and it took her ten minutes.

"Took you long enough." I said.

"Well sorry bossy." She snapped.

"Hey, Blayke"


" I need to show you something" I said gloomily.


I showed her the video. She started crying and fell into my arms. This was the best and worst feeling in the world. I felt bad for her because she was hurting. But I finally had my dream girl in my arms. I want to kiss her forehead so bad but I feel like it's not the time.

"Sam, you're the only friend I have that hasn't betrayed me. I love you for that. Your like a brother to me!" She said all tearful.

She's friend zoned me before but not like this. Not when she's in my arms and telling me she loves me like a brother. Ouch. "I love you to bab... Blayke... like a sister of course. But what are you going to do about Latin?"

"For right now I'm going to ignore his texts." She said kind of giggling while her phone kept going off with texts from Latin. "But tomorrow I will break up with him. Will you come with me Sam?" She said looking at me with those big blue eyes.

"Of course." I answered sweetly.

In the hallway Blayke and I looked for Latin. We went to Blayke's locker and started talking. Then I saw Latin running down the hallway towards us.

"Blaykleigh!!" He shouted.

"What Latin?" She snapped.

"Why haven't you texted me back. Your not supposed to ignore your boyfriend ya know?"

"Well your not my boyfriend" ooooooooh this is getting spicy.

"I'm sorry.... w..w..what did you just say" he said angrily.

"I'm breaking up with you. You cheated on me with my best friend who apparently isn't my best friend anymore. We're through!" She screamed.

"Listen here little girl, you don't break up with me! I break up with you! So we're through!"

"No actually I'm pretty sure I just broke up with you." I knew Blayke could be sassy but not this sassy.

"You're ugly and worthless anyway! I don't know why I ever wasted my time on you!" Okay that's it!

"Don't you talk to her that way!" I yelled.

"And what're you gonna do about it punk?" He answered.

"This!" I jumped in him and started punching him. I had the feeling that everyone is crowding around us but I didn't care. "This is for talking all that crap about me in the locker rooms and thinking your all that when your not! But most importantly this is for hurting Blaykleigh!!"

All I could hear was Blaykleigh screaming my name and for me too stop. I was in an adrenaline rush. Then I felt someone pulling me away and it was the principal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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