✯ || Chapter 9

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Lily's POV

I sighed, not paying attention to the fight

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I sighed, not paying attention to the fight. The bond between me, Emma, & Hillary had suddenly evaporated into thin air. Emma had always disliked me, but I trusted Hillary. Had trusted. I fixed my gaze on Pisces.

Since he looked very innocent, pure, and cute, I always felt like he should have a different magic that wasn't creepy. As expected, he won the match; and Sapphire had fainted. Ashley ruthlessly dragged her over to are where I was sitting.

I gasped. "Is she ok?!" I asked. Alicia popped out of nowhere and sat down. "She has a spell that let's her heal herself; but it's not very effective, as she's passed out. Sapphire's still pretty weak, so she used up all her backup magic energy as well as her regular energy, so Sapphire passed out." Alicia explained. Virgo stopped fighting Alex, and sat down.

Alicia's gaze became icy cold as she seemed to stare into the depths of Ryan's soul, but of course, he didn't notice. Alex looked relieved. "So it's not my fault she passed out; it's her own fault." Alex clarified. Alicia nodded. Ryan took out a potion. "This is a healing potio-" Alexis snatched it away from him. "Emma needs this; her soul needs healing." She popped off the cork, and dumped the bottle in Emma's mouth.

Ryan punched Alexis. "WTF, MAN. THAT WAS FOR SAPPHIRE, YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE THE IQ OF A BABY'S DIAPER!" Alexis flipped her hair, but Hecate walked up to her, smiling, handing her a detention slip.

Alexis stared at the slip, sighing, as she already had gotten many before

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Alexis stared at the slip, sighing, as she already had gotten many before. Hecate walked by Sapphire, her hands casting a purple glow. "Sana inter prostratos iacere!" Hecate chanted. Sapphire got up, a deep flush on her cheeks. "Mérci." Sapphire muttered. "Ok, class! We don't have any time left; we will resume tomorrow. Salvete discipuli!" Hecate said. "Salvete, magister!" Everyone said back.We walked out of the class, I rushed towards Alex, smiling. "You did great!" I said.

Alex laughed, and gave me a warm smile. "Thanks! But I feel a bit tired, so I'm going to ask Ryan for a energy potion." Alex said, yawning. I laughed, and handed him a bag of gummy bears. "Take one." I encouraged. He shook his head. "Sorry, but I'm vegan." Alex said. "I know that. What's wrong with gummy bears?" I asked.

Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Well, it has two layers of wax coverings on the outside." Alex said. I spit out the gummy bear I was eating in the nearest recycling can, where it instantly went into the process of being turned into potion materials. Alex laughed, but his face brightened as he saw Ryan staring at Sapphire, creepily.

"Nice talking with you, Aquarium!" He said, walking towards the door of Magic History. I sighed. 'I'm a nobody to him. He doesn't even know my real name! It's just like how I got kicked out of the Water Signs, and Scorpio replaced me.'
*Salvete discipuli is a goodbye usually said by a teacher to his/her students.
*Vale magister! Is the goodbye for teachers, said by students
* "Sana inter prostratos iacere!" Means heal the fallen in Latin
Yes, these are all accurate translations, as I take Latin.
Copyright © 2018 by Honingzoet.

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ahem, now onto the story.

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