Chapter 5

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A\N:I am so sorry for not updating please don't kill me!(even though I disserve it). Hope you guys like it! Let the story continue!

Dipper's POV:

I sat up gasping as I woke up from my dream. What the HELL was THAT?! I have no idea what is going on. Something is going on and I want to know what! This is all connected somehow. I know it is. I just need to know more about this. I turned to see Mabel still asleep and that it was still dark out. I sigh and grab the book that I got from the black market.

I opened the book and looked at the first page. What I saw made freeze. It was written in ancient Egyptian. The shocking thing is I understand it! This is so weird. I never had much trouble translating but this is ridiculous! I would need some help at least to translate half of it but never be able to know all of it.

I shook off my shock and read the first page. It was a note to the journal's owner.

To my friend that soon became the love of my life.

~ Your Prince Amenophis

So this was a gift to a lover. Why did the guy at the market give this to me like its mine. So many questions and no answers. I flipped the page and continued.

(A/N: I literally did research on the ancient Egyptian calendar and I think I did this wrong but it was the best I can do. Continue!)

Akhet Deyhuty 19/07 XXXX

After rescuing the prince we later became close friends. He got me and my family jobs in the palace instead of working in the fields as payment for me saving him from those thugs. I was made his personal servant to keep him out of trouble and make sure he got to were he needed.

At first I was skeptical of him giving me this job to become friends. Later I seen how lonely he was and so our friendship began. We would play games and play pranks on the palace guards. We began to get closer each day. he then gave me this journal as a gift on my sisters and I's birthday. I was grateful for the gift and was very happy. I will write soon.


I sighed and flipped a few pages and continue reading.

Peret Pa-en-Renenutet 14/12 XXXX

We have been secretly lovers for a year now and my love plans to annonce that I will be his bride. We need not worry about producing an heir since my friend Icess gave me a potion to be able to produce children. Our families rejoiced when we annonced our engagement.

I was in tears when he proposed and accepted. I was never happier. We were happy and he plans for us to have a grandest wedding of the century. I didn't care about the fancy things, as long as me and my love were together then there was nothing else I needed to worry about.


I closed the book and sighed. This is not making any sense. I turned to put the book back in my bag but froze when I see a gorgeous flower on my bag with a note. It was gold in the center but began to fade to blue at the tips. I drop the book and pick up the note and the flower. I sniffed the flower and sighed at the sweet scent knowing the scent, but frowned when I couldn't remember wher I smelt this scent before. I quickly open the note.

This was your favorite flower. You used to carry one around you or have it in your hair. I miss you dearly my love. I vow that we will be reunited soon and treasure like you disserved. I love you my Pinetree.

~Your lover

I sighed in sadness. I know this person but I can't remember. I decided to go back to sleep. I slipped the note in the book and curled up in my sleeping bag clenching the flower to my chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Unknown POV:

So the Queen is back. It will be better to finally have him alive instead of his corpse. He should have been mine from the beginning. Curse that Pharaoh, The dessert flower shall finally be mine!

Thank you guys for you support! Hope you liked it and please leave a comment, vote, and check out my other stories! This is FantasticOnFireAl over and out!

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