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Siren stood quietly, facing the sea in front of her. It was just before dawn, the moon still poking its face behind her while the sun eagerly waited to steal the sky.

At her feet splashed a small, fish like Pokémon, Finneon if she remembered correctly. It had to be that or a Goldeen, and the little fish wasn't even gold, so she mentally ruled that option out.

"What are you looking for, huh?" She knelt down to the edge of the water, brushing the back of her hand against the chilled surface. The fish came to the surface, gliding against her hand. It continued to play with her hand, tickling her knuckles. It nipped a bit at her hands, encouraging her to come in the water.

There was a moments hesitation before Siren sat on the rocky shore, taking off her pale cardigan and rolling up her dark leggings. She slowly moved into the water, allowing the chills to travel up her spine. The Finneon seemed ecstatic as she came in, swimming around her torso. It created a few splashes, causing the girl to giggle a bit. She decided to splash the Pokémon back, which soon dissolved into a contest to see which one could produce more waves.

The two were stopped as Siren noticed storm clouds rolling in. Reluctantly, she pulled herself from the water, quickly wringing out her deep blue hair. The Finneon brushed against her ankles, as if asking her to stay. "Sorry, little guy, I can't stay out in a storm."

It continued to pester her until she finally left, tossing the cardigan around her shoulders and letting the sleeves dangle around her arms.

As she walked away from the beach, she could hear thunder rolling across the skies, matching the somber mood of the gray clouds. The noise of the thunder and the clouds in the air almost made her forget the second small Pokémon that followed her.

It was almost unnoticeable, in fact, all of the people she had met couldn't even see it.

But Siren noticed it.

It watched her, staring with one uncovered yellow eye. The yellow was pale, almost blending with the white on its skin. A purple flame danced on its head, counting down her time. It had been following her ever since she had left the Guardian's protection.

She rushed to it, flustered. "We have to get you out of this storm, Litwick. We don't want your fire going out, do we?"

In comparison to the Finneon, the candle Pokémon was quiet, not giving off any sign that it had heard her voice. Regardless, she picked it up, running from the rocky coastline. 

As she ran, she could continue to hear the thunder groaning louder as it went across the skies. Seemingly running from the thunder, it only grew louder as she went to enter the nearby city. Her pace picked up, each step growing more laborious as the last while the thunder exponentially grew. Before she could reach the city, however, the storm began. 

The storm was unlike anything she had seen before, which was saying a lot, she had known the Stormslinger since birth. Rain crashed as hard as hail, yet remained as a liquid instead of ice. As it fell to the ground, it splashed up, any of the droplets not returning to the ground instead finding a home against her skin. It wasn't quite sleet, but the rain was chilled enough to give the girl shivers. 

She scrambled to throw her cardigan around the Litwick, who remained immobile. She covered it first over the flame, then the body of the Pokemon. The cardigan held for only a moment, before the rain pierced through the thin fabric. She cursed a bit, biting back her tongue before bringing the Litwick close to her chest.

She gave up on the idea of reaching the city. In a panic, she retreated back to the coastline. Her arms wrapped around the Litwick as she went back, clasping two hands firmly around its flame. She skid to a halt upon reaching the coast, watching.

Waves crashed against the rocks as if a Pokémon was pouring its rage out against the rocks. She knew this was probably true, however, she allowed herself to imagine it was just her head. Across the sea, waves overlapped each other, each newly formed wave growing bigger and gulping down the previous. 

The most noticeable thing, however, was the birdlike shadow absorbing the sun.

She immediately recognized the shape, falling to her knees. "No..." She glanced to the ground, her eyes darting everywhere. The images of the world flashed around her. 

The Litwick growing colder as its flame died out.

The Finneon from earlier watching her in awe. 

Rain crashing against the rocks.

Waves across the sea. 

The bird's shadow growing closer.

She finally brought herself to look up, a faint feeling in her head. There was a rush of heat from below her, Litwick's flame. It had started to go out, and in a mad attempt to save its life, began pulling energy from her in order to keep the fire going.

"Lugia!" Her voice cracked across the surface, being carried by the wind. She screamed out once more, this time her voice being eaten up by the sound of lighting cracking against the surface of the ocean. The end of the call dissolved into a cry of terror as she turned away, water crashing everywhere. 

She kept growing more faint as the fire below her kept getting stronger. "Lugia, please! I'm sorry!" 

She waited before speaking again. "Lugia, please, make it stop! I promise, I'm ready!" 

She noticed the rain lighten up a bit, as well as the gray skies gain a bit of light to them. The rain was still cold, but it no longer pounded against her like a million tiny Combees swarming at her. 

Are you ready, Siren? I thought you hadn't wanted this life.

"Does it look like I have a choice?" Siren let out a small sigh, looking up at the sky. She tightened up her face, embracing the rain. "I'm going to die..." 

Very well, Siren. As Lugia entered her head, the rain continued to lighten up. The waves of the sea calmed, but began to approach Siren. Come into the waves whenever you're ready.

Siren set the Litwick down almost instantly, stumbling into the waves. 

She remembered feeling the Finneon rub up against her leg as she laid down in the water, letting it surround her. It covered her face, yet she didn't flinch. She kept her eyes open, her sight not being dimmed by the dark waters. She didn't find herself gasping for air, she instead craved the water. 

For once in her life, Siren felt at peace with the ocean. 

Word Count: 1126

Entry for izayoix's New Year Festa round 2! The prompt was to use Litwick, Finneon, and Lugia in some way, shape, or form.

I actually had a lot of fun writing this, and I think I wanna develop this either into a better one shot or a short story for PWA 2018! Then again, the last time I said that, look where Metamorphosis turned out, my little baby book getting 8th place. 

This really just revolves around Sirens, Lugia being the master of the seas/storms, and Litwick's light. Like I said, I want to flesh this idea out more, so look for that. 

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