Wish For Return

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Snow was falling, cold flakes making their way into White's hair. The air around her continued to strike at any bare skin she revealed, mostly around her already red cheeks. Many had advised her to skip the journey, but she was going to do it by all means possible.

The weather was cold, even for Unova, the coldest region only second to Sinnoh. It was even colder towards the north of the region, which was where White currently found herself in.

She continued to let snow crunch beneath her feet along the path leading up to the Celestial Tower.

The place overall held a certain sort of air to it, but it wasn't as somber as many others had told White it would be. It was more a melancholy peace in her mind.

She approached the tower, watching as the looming Pokémon shrunk to the ground at the sight of a human. She glanced down at them, forcing a smile through the cold. A few of them looked back at her, a bit warmed by the expression. They eventually ducked back into the plantlife, seeking warmth from the ground. She wished for a moment that she was back at home, with Bianca and Cheren. Black had told her of the Christmas traditions they held together, and how that if she could ever join the three, they would be more than willing to let her join in. She almost took them up on the offer, but another tradition took priority in her heart.

She eventually ducked into the Celestial Tower, letting the door creak and shut behind her. A final gust of cold air entered behind her as the door slammed tight, filling the room with a hanging cold in the air.

She stood still for a moment before shaking off the cold, loosening the pink scarf around her neck. She worked her way up the stairs of the tower, slowly following the spirals.

The spirits started to take notice, she could tell. The more she climbed, a larger sense of dread hung in the air. A few flames from the heads of Litwick made themselves show, alongside purple clouds from a crowd of Gastly, and a few Haunters mixed into that crowd as well.

White ignored it, continuing her journey. There were echoes with each step, raising in pitch each step she took higher up.

In all, it took her about 10 minutes to reach the top of the abandoned tower.  She could tell she reached the top as the cold air started blowing in, a small stream of light making its way through the hole in the ceiling that allowed access to the tower roof, home to the ancient bell all Unova revered.

The tower was traditionally a place to lay lost Pokémon to rest, but White had come for another purpose this night.

She looked at the watch on her wrist. It was only about 11:30. Early, but she had been raised on an easy to learn philosophy, "To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is to be forgotten." Of all the nights to be forgotten, tonight was definitely not the night for her.

So she waited.

She would be lying to herself if she said she enjoyed the quiet. With no Pokémon of her own to keep her company or ward away the wandering spirits of the tower, she watched as ghost-type Pokémon stalked her, wondering just what she could be doing.

She did like some aspects of it, though. It was extremely lonely, yes, but it held a heartful sort of loneliness. One where she knew that what she was doing would help get rid of her constant feeling of being alone.

She waited for the next twenty minutes before standing up again, dusting some snow off the black leggings she wore. She clenched the pink coat around her a bit tighter as she approached the large bell, watching as the world around her grew a bit quiet.

White grabbed a hammer hanging by the side of the bell, looking the bell over. It was huge and very hollow on the inside. It had a border about a foot thick, which in comparison to the size of the bell overall, was a very small amount.

She paid close attention to the watch on her hand. As soon as it switched to 11:54, she pulled her shoulders back and swung at the bell with her full power.

The sound rang throughout surrounding area, not the most crisp she had ever heard the bell, but most definitely not the most agonizing of rings either.

For Reshiram.

The sound died out eventually and she turned back to her watch. It stuck in its place for only a moment before switching to the next number, 11:55. She repated the process, striking the bell.

For Costa.

The bell's ring loomed a bit longer this time, finally fading about fifteen seconds before the next minute struck, 11:56. She hit the bell again.

For Tula.

She noticed the bell to be slightly louder this time, with the sound lingering a bit longer. The clock pinged again, 11:57, so she moved her arms back and hit the bell a fourth time.

For Brav.

The sound of the bell was extremely crisp this time, just barely fading out as 11:58 came. She hit the bell again.

For Musha.

She watched the clock turn to 11:59, but the bell's ring still floated around. Very faintly, but still there. She ignored it, striking again.

For Bo.

She brought the hammer down to her side, watching the bell as it rang again. Her gaze shifted to the surrounding area. The snowfall had almost stopped, only a light sprinkle. Clouds were beginning to part, showing a waning moon.

The clock struck midnight, the date turning from December 24th to December 25th.

The last echo from Bo's bell died out. As it died, White muttered one thing to herself.

"Please come back soon. I miss you, Black."

She set the hammer back down, and took one more look around before going back down the tower.

A/N: Entry for izayoix's Christmas/New Year festa, round 3.

This didn't follow the prompt 100%, I mixed in the Celestial Tower as well making this a story about wishes and a story about saying goodbye. I didn't have any other ideas, though, and this one just kinda stuck with me so I kept it. Sorry for being a bit late, I've been so exhausted lately I don't even have time to draft my favorite projects that I'm so eager to start. I hope I'm not too late!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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