Meeting Kanta

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Lucy was walking in the forest with her shoes off then when she heard some foot steps she kept walking then felt a set of arms come around her waist.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks", said Kanta.

"Hey Kanta ready to meet my family", asked Lucy.

"Yeah", said Kanta.

Both walked to Fairy Tail holding hands then entered. Everybody looked at Lucy holding hands with Kanta. She sat at a table with him then Gramps came over and sat down.

"Hello what is your name boy", asked Gramps.

"Kanta", answered Kanta.

"How long have you and Lucy been knowing each other ", asked Gramps.

"Three months", he answered.

"What kind of wizard are you", asked Gramps.

"I'm a second generation Dragon Slayer", then everybody was surprised.

When Gramps was done talking to Kanta him and Lucy left the guild then they both had a make out session.

There was a dark projected mage watching them.

???- Can't believe the dude is mature and she likes him.

After six months passed by Lucy and Kanta broke up because they both couldn't stand the matureness of each other so Lucy went on a mission with Natsu just to calm down.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

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