chapter two

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*Jake's POV*

Today was the first day of middle school I got up and got dressed in a blue button up shirt and jeans I was wearing some black Vans and I did my hair all cool kind of. I was nervous today but I'm even more nervous to talk to Zoe and asked her about the notebook. I could lie and say I didn't read it then tell her when I'm ready? No that's bad I'll just man up and tell her

*Zoe's POV*
Ugh it's the first day of school or should I say the first day of hell. Once I got home I realized I dropped my notebook somewhere I was going to go back and look but I was all ready home and it was getting late. Anyway I am wearing a black dress with some black flats, I was going to wear heels but I broke them when I fell oops. I did my hair in a braid and I had a bow in my hair I had this necklace I always wear my dad gave it to me before he went to war he never came back. Now it's just me and my mom and my older sister and younger sister. Not that I'm complaining. I got on my bus and sat next to Jake, sense we are on the same bus, he looks nervous then I see my notebook oh no
A/N: so what do you lovely people think? Should I continue or stop and delete it? Anyway thank you for the people who read this far  so yeah. Also sorry about any Grammer mistakes >-<. Also sorry this one is shorter I wanted to leave on a cliff hanger

Word count: 290

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