chapter three

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*Jake's POV*

Zoe came on the bus she sat next to me and looked at her notebook there's no turning back now I thought as I hand her the notebook "I read it, your not a nobody to me I just don't like you like that I'm sorry Zoe" I said looking out the window I see Sam holding a guys hand, Sam is on our bus too, I got really upset because I knew that wasn't her brother she only had a baby brother she got on the bus and sat down in front of me and Zoe she turned around and asked me "aw, are you and Zoe dating?" Zoe looked at me "no we're not she's nothing to me" I said not meaning a god damn word I said Zoe started crying she moved seats to sit with a girl she knew I'm so dumb Zoe come back I thought I could never say it out loud (A/N: say what you mean out loud! Sorry XD) I just lost my best friend

*Zoe's POV*

She's nothing to me he really said that I thought we were friends I guess I thought wrong I looked at my phone and deleted all the pictures of us crying the girl I sat next to was kind she was there to help me she rubbed my back and kept telling me it was ok until we got to school I went to the bathroom and cleaned my tears I remembered I have homeroom and 1st period with him I hate him I hope him and Sam are happy. I walked into homeroom he told me where to sit oh no oh no please move me I thought
A/N:  so what do you lovely people think? Should I continue or stop and delete it? Anyway thank you for the people who read this far  so yeah. Also sorry about any Grammer mistakes >-<. I love you all Bai!❤♥💙💚💛💜💖💗💟

Word count: 336

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