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The spider was bigger than Aaron planned. When it came out of the cave, glaring down at them with bright magenta eyes, James was terrified and shaking. It wasn't supposed to be this big, so Aaron knew something was wrong. He quickly shielded James and forced him to back away.

"Run." Aaron snapped, "I underestimated how big they were. Go. Now. Get Dolly, Abigail, and Sam." James shook his head and puffed out his chest.

"I'm not leaving you behind to fight! You're still sore from yesterday!" Argued James. Before Aaron could retaliate the spider hissed at the two and shot webs at them. James dodged out of the way and Aaron tried to follow. But his ankle got stuck to the ground.

The spider crawled to him, fast and swift like a snake, and shot more webs onto him. Aaron squirmed and growled, trying his best to break free. James quickly ran to him and started trying to break the web.

The spider grabbed Aaron in its mouth and scuttled away into the cave. James just stared in awe, confused at how that went downhill so quickly. "JAMES RUN YOU IDIOT!!!" Aaron screamed at him, his voice echoing from inside the cave. James did as he was told, but the wrong direction.

He ran into the cave, start in hand, and immediately shouted a battle cry. Aaron rolled his eyes as the spider hung him on the wall to die. The spider hissed and narrowed his eyes at Aaron. It charged at James, letting out a ferocious sort of screech.

"WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS!!" James screamed as ur stabbed his speer right into the spider's eye. It started to squirt blood and a soft of juice everywhere and James tried not to throw up. He slid under it, taking his staff with him, and threw it at where Aaron was hanging. It cut him down, and James caught him just before he hit the ground.

He helped get him out of the web, and had almost forgot about the giant fucking spider hunting them. Aaron shook the rest of the webs off himself and quickly drew his sword.

James shouted over the screams of the spider, "Why don't you go to your centaur form like ever?!" Aaron shrugged and ran at the spider, slicing off a leg. James looked up at the ceiling where his spear was and huffed, "Aw man."

The spider, screaming and wailing, managed to pin Aaron down with a leg. James quickly stole Aaron's sword and slice it off, finally leaning over and gagging. "No time to be sick, James!" Aaron shouted, grabbing his arm and running out of the cave.

The spider followed them, tripping and stumbling and still walking like a banshee. James could barely keep up with Aaron. He was so fast, even in his human form. "Are we gonna die?!" James screamed at him.

Aaron shouted back, "I don't know!"

James groaned and dodged a web shot. He screamed, "Where are we going?!" Aaron rolled his eyes and made a sharp left.

"Stop asking stupid questions!!" He shouted, "Come on!!" The spider continued to shoot web, but James noticed that it was missing a lot, like it wasn't even trying. Aaron noticed too and quickly stopped, dropping and rolling to the ground. James followed suit, not knowing why at all.

Aaron took in his surroundings. The voice was still screaming in his head that if he just let James get caught he would be safe. He had a migraine, the spider's wails of pain and anger weren't helping.

The spider made a quick turn around and ran at them again. James screamed and started running. Aaron ran as well. "We're at square one!!" Aaron shouted. James laughed nervously.

"More like square run!!"

Aaron resisted the urge to shove James as they kept on running. Finally, just as they were running out of energy, the ducked jumped between two large fallen trees. Aaron prayed the spider would give up.

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