Girl with a Frown

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"You should try smiling more!" Tsunade said pushing my cheeks upward. I quickly shook her off and deepen my frown. 

" Emotions get in the way with training. " I said. 

Tsunade frowned and crossed her arms, " You know training is the only thing in life to enjoy." 

A chuckle came from behind us, " Tsunade is right Kiyoshi." My sensei said smiling. 

" YEAH! " Jiriaya yelled suddenly getting close to me, " You'd look a lot pretty with a smile!"  But he soon was hit by Tsunade. 

" You Idiot!" She yelled. " Kiyoshi is already pretty! You're just too blind to see!" 

I nodded, " Thank you Tsunade you are pretty too. "  I turned to Hiruzen Sensei. " Sensei you know I am a Washi heir I cannot afford to be distracted with such things as emotions."  

Hiruzen Sensei smiled and ruffled my head, " Yes, but everyone needs to live life. " 

I sighed and shook my head, " My life is already planned out I am living it ." 

Sensei sweatdropped, " That's not what I mean. " 

Tsunade grabbed my arm and tugged, " Come one Kiyoshi! You don't want to be remembered as the girl with a frown! " 

" Tsunade's Right! " Jiriaya yelled rejoining the conversation, " Like I'm going to be remembered as the greatest hero ever!" He smiled proudly. 

" Heh, more like greatest idiot. " Orchimaru smirked. Jiriaya clenched his fists. 

" SHUT UP!" 

The Nightingale SaninOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora