Cupcakes w/ Bae

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          One day, Tweek was making some good cupcakes. "Hey sweet cheeks, what's cooking?" Craig said in his nasally, monotone voice. "yES!" Tweek screamed while he did his stupid twitchy crap. "Mmm, sounds tasty,I'll have five." Craig replied to his boyfriend. "CoFfEe!" The blond screeched and dumped coffee on all the cupcakes-wait...scratch that, he dumped coffee on all the cupcakes except five. Tweek then presented these five to Craig in a timely fashion. "Thanks babe."Craig said and swallowed. All of them at once. Without chewing. Neither boy seemed to be fazed by this action. Tweek then started to smash his head in the wall for no particular reason. "Mmph-pm mh!" Kenny's angry voice muffled from outside."You can't make me mom!" The coffee addict yelled back.  

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