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I woke up on the couch very sleepy, everyone else was also sleeping in the living room, there were food crumbs and cups everywhere. What a party, I got up and started towards my back pocket of my pants for my phone, it wasn't there. I started panicking and searching around the house for it, I found it stuffed behind the couch where I slept and calmed down. By then, everyone except for Jack J and Imaan had woken up, everyone was tired and wasn't hungry. We all sat around and tried to eat something healthy, too much cake and fruit punch was not a good combo for the party. We all decided to just go back to sleep. It was 11am but it didn't matter. I woke up a couple minutes after and ran upstairs, I turned on the sink and rinsed my face with water, I felt much better. I ran back down the stairs and Imaan had woken up, she seemed happy and was in a good mood so I didn't bother her. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, I gulped it down and started to get another glass. Imaan followed and poured a glass of water for everyone, I didn't notice that everyone was awake. We all sat around the kitchen table and drank our water, the house was a mess and so were we, it's just we were debating whether to clean us or the house first.

"UGH I HATE THE AFTERMATH OF PARTIES" Gilinksy screamed while he vacuumed the house, Imaan and Riley were cleaning the countertops while Matt and Nash were moping the tile floors, me and Johnson did the washrooms and small rooms and Carter and the other boys did the extra parts of the house and picked up anything we missed. After 3 hours, we finally finished cleaning. We all collapsed onto the couch and Riley stated, "we could've just payed like seven hundred dollars and get cleaning people to do it" we all nodded and sighed, "well, at least we can say we experienced adulthood" Nash said and we laughed. Skate, Sammy and Riley left the house after that and back to their home, Gilinksy and Johnson left for their families houses, and Imaan and I were going to head out to her parents house. We all said goodbye to the other boys and grabbed our luggage, Skate, Sammy and Riley climbed into Skate's red convertible and Gilinksy and Johnson went into the truck. Me and Imaan opened the trunk to her car and stuffed our bags. I climbed into the drivers seat and she got into the passenger, we started towards Imaan's house, which was in the country side. To go with the drive, we played country music and started to sing along even though we didn't know the words. The week at Imaan's place was gonna be amazing. I knew it.

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