•red lips•

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Finns P.O.V~

Jacob, I thought. He had tried to get in with Millie in maths, and I was raging. Of course I knew that Millie would shut him down straight away, but he just didn't know when to stop. I was walking down the hall, after lunch, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see the one and only, Jacob S. I mentally scream, just who I want to see right now, I thought to myself. My jaw clenched and fists balled, I decided not to punch him, yet. "Oh finn, Hi well I was wondering if your little friend Millie is interested in going on a date with me?" He smirked, I chuckled at his weak words. "Oh, I don't think so, didn't you get the message in maths? Like she literally wrote it down on a piece of paper!" I laugh in his face, but he seems to have other ideas, "but, don't you think those, red lips of hers are so...kissable?" He asked smugly. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists, before I knew it, Jacob was on the floor and holding his face in his hands, I slapped jacob, because I am in lov- wait no! I don't like Millie!? Do I? Just then I had this sudden urge to scare him even more. I crouched beside him and whispered in his ear "you EVER talk about Millie again or even talk to her, no, LOOK at her! I will make you wish that you never even threw that letter at her in maths." And with that I got up and walked away from the scene, knowing Jacob wouldn't Dare to snitch on who did this to him.

Millie's P.O.V~

"Sadie! Truth or dare?" I asked my friend. We are currently sat on her bedroom floor playing truth or dare. "Ummmmm uh truth?" She said; it was more like a question to be honest. "Ok, um who do u have a crush on?" I already guessed the answer but I wanted to know for sure. "Em well I kinda like...celeb!? There I said it!" She squeals. I screamed "YES I KNEW IT!!" I started to run around her room like a little 4 year old, kind of reminding me of my little sister Eva. "I HAVE TO GO HOMEEEE!" I scream at Sadie as she was currently tickling me and a text just came through from my mum. "Ok fine see you tomorrow Mills" she screamed after me out of her window. "Bye sads!" I screamed back as I continued to walk home.

When I got home I had dinner with my family and got the usual interrogation about my day. As soon as dinner was finished I went up to my room and flopped down onto my queen sized bed and reached for my phone and checked my instagram and Snapchat. The clock on my phone read 9.00 so I decided to go to get ready for my bed. I brushed my feathers and put my short pixie cut hair into a small ponytail and washed my face. After I was finished I changed into my pjs and hopped into bed and decided to text Finn.
Mills👑~ hay finn I wanted to tank you for buying my lunch today I am so forgetful😂❤️

Finnie💞~no problem Mills, I would do it anytime😊❤️

Mills👑~night Finnie❤️

Finnie💞~ night Mills❤️
And with that I turned of my phone and placed it in my night stand to charge. I feel into a deep slumber thinking of the boy that makes my heart flutter. Wait no I don't like Finn! Do I?! But before i knew it I was asleep.

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